Online only modules run by OES

Browse College

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Algorithms and Data DO4ALD Module
Applications and database design DO1IAD Module
Applied Research Methods DBA102 Module
BLO101 OES2 Module
BOM661 OES5 Module
BOMS901 OES4 Module
BON883 OES6 Module
BSO105 OES1 Module
Business Analytics and Information Technology BNO107 Module
Contract and Property BLO103 Module
Descriptive analytics BON884 Module
Finance and marketing for strategic decisions BOMF621 Module
Fundamentals of data science DO4FDS Module
Information security assurance and practice DO4ISA Module
Introduction to Business and Management Research DBA101 Module
Liability in Crime and Tort BLO101 Module
Marketing in the digital era BMO106 Module
Mathematics and Digital Systems DO1MDS Module
MBA Module 3: Leadership and Operational Excellence BOHN382 Module
Object oriented programming DO3OOP Module
Predictive Analytics BON885 Module
Responsible Management and Accounting BOHF321 Module
Security Operations and Privacy DO4SOP Module

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