Browse Institution

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Literature Culture and Society LE2109 Module
Strategy Marketing & Sales LBM603 Module
5G Signal Processing EE45GS Module
A Great Misunderstanding: Britain and the EU LP3100 Module
Abnormal neural networks NE3508 Module
Abnormal Neural Networks and Epilepsy NE3008 Module
Abnormal Neuronal Networks NE4ANN Module
Abstract Algebra AM20AL Module
Academic and Professional Communication LA1003 Module
Academic and Professional Skills CL0APS Module
Academic Effectiveness BD003 Module
Academic Effectiveness and Applied Research BED301 Module
Academic Vocabulary and Grammar Patterns LA2301 Module
Accounting For Non Financial Managers BFM234J Module
Acute and Emergency Ophthalmology OP4AEO Module
Addiction and Impulsivity PY3505 Module
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay LP2076 Module
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay LP1084 Module
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay LP1083 Module
Adult Audiology: Assessment and Management NS2AA1 Module
Adult Rehabilitation HT1AR1 Module
Advanced and Applied Synaptic Plasticity NE4SYN Module
Advanced Audiology Investigation & Rehabilitation HS3ARC Module
Advanced Audiology Investigation & Rehabilitation HS3AR2 Module
Advanced CAD ME4526 Module
Advanced Cataracts OP4CAT Module
Advanced Cell Membranes BC6ACM Module
Advanced Clinical Practice Portfolio&Service Project OP4CSP Module
Advanced Clinical Skills HS3AC1 Module
Advanced Corporate Finance BS3381 Module
Advanced Criminal Law BL3300 Module
Advanced Databases Systems and GIS CS3ADG Module
Advanced Dynamics and Control ME3ADC Module
Advanced EEG CNMNP1 Module
Advanced Embedded Systems EE3AES Module
Advanced Epidemiology LKM203 Module
Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary LA2300 Module
Advanced IELTS Course LA1500 Module
Advanced International Financial Reporting BF3302 Module
Advanced Leadership and Management Communication LE3112 Module
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials ME3AMF Module
Advanced Manufacturing Processes ME4AMP Module
Advanced Manufacturing Processes EC4ACM Module
Advanced Manufacturing Systems PE3AMS Module
Advanced Marketing Communications BM3332 Module
Advanced Medical Leadership HL5004 Module
Advanced Molecular Pharmacology NE3004 Module
Advanced Molecular Pharmacology NE4PHA Module
Advanced Neuroscience NE4ANS Module
Advanced Operations BNC301 Module
Advanced Ophthalmology and Medical Skills OP4AO2 Module
Advanced Project and Programme Management BNC302 Module
Advanced Reaction Engineering CE3ARE Module
Advanced Research Design and Analysis PY4017 Module
Advanced Research Methods in Dental Implantology DI4ARM Module
Advanced Research Methods in Health Psychology PYM717 Module
Advanced Research Methods In Health Psychology PYM727 Module
Advanced Solid Mechanics and FEA ME3FEA Module
Advanced Spreadsheets & Databases BNM819J Module
Advanced Strategy BSM901J Module
Advanced Strategy BSM990 Module
Advanced strategy BMM901J Module
Advanced Strategy BSM901 Module
Advanced strategy BMM901 Module
Advanced Structural Engineering EC4ASE Module
Advanced Synaptic Plasicity NE3002 Module
Advanced synaptic plasticity NE3502 Module
Advanced Topics in International Business BS3382 Module
Advanced Topics in International Business BSM934J Module
Advanced Topics in Sociolinguistics LE2118 Module
Advanced Web Development DC3AWD Module
Advances In Crisis Management BNM894 Module
Age and Regenerative Medicine BI4ARM Module
Ageing Eye Management OP4AEM Module
Agile Practices in IT and Management BN2220 Module
AI: Vision and Reality CS4710 Module
Algorithmic and Computational Mathematics AM4ACM Module
America in the World LP3102 Module
An Introduction to Crisis Management BNM501 Module
Analogue and Power Electonics EE2APE Module
Analysing Written and Spoken Discourse 1 LEM1000 Module
Analysis for Dissertation Research BMM646J Module
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects BMM6935J Module
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects BMM635J Module
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects BMM635 Module
Analysis I AM1OA1 Module
Analysis II AM20A2 Module
Analytical Biochemistry BC2001 Module
Application of Transport Models DT1ATM Module
Applied & Industrial Biochemistry BC2002 Module
Applied Biomedical Science Training BMPTRA Module
Applied Biotechnology BI4ABT Module
Applied Management Accounting BF2224MU Module
Applied Management Accounting BF2224 Module
Applied Psychology & Professional Skills PY4512 Module
Applied Psychology and Professional Skills PY2502 Module
Applied Research BMM629J Module
Applied Research BEE239 Module
Applied Research BNM239J Module
Applied Research BMM629 Module
Applied Research Methods BEE122 Module
Applied Research methods DBK102 Module
Applied Research Project BD011 Module
Applied Topics in Economics BS1113 Module
Applying English LEM135 Module
Apprenticeship Module 1 DS1AM1 Module
Approximation Theory AM30AP Module
Arabic for Beginners LZ1404 Module
Arabic II Improvers LZ1405 Module
Arabic III Intermediate LZ1406 Module
Archive and Museum Project LQ1007 Module
Artificial Neural Networks AM40AN Module
Assessment and Performance BHM397 Module
Assessment Performance & Reward BHM347J Module
Aston Edge BPG124 Module
Aston Edge Futures BDK405 Module
Aston Edge Project BDK407 Module
Aston Edge Reflections and Growth BDK406 Module
Atomic Nuclear Physics AP4ANP Module
Audiological Assessment and Management NS2AM1 Module
Audiological Procedures and Professional Skills 1 HS1PS1 Module
Audit and Professional Ethics BF3303 Module
Audit Governance and Company Law BF2220MU Module
Auditory Management and Devices HS2MD1 Module
Auditory Rehabilitation HS2AR1 Module
Auditory Sciences HS1AS1 Module
Autonomous System Design ME4ASD Module
Banking and Financial Services Regulation BLM175 Module
Basic Neurophysiology NE1515 Module
BCIT Project BN3355 Module
Becoming a professional doctoral practitioner CL4010 Module
Behavioural Economics BS3373 Module
Behavioural Economics and Policy BSM955 Module
Big Data for Decision Making BNK432 Module
Big Data for Decision Making BNM832 Module
Biochemistry and Cell Biology for Neuroscience NE1516 Module
Biochemistry Key Skills II BC2003 Module
Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics for Neuroscience NE1009 Module
Biofluid Mechanics BE2BFM Module
Biological & Cognitive Psychology PY1503 Module
Biological and Biochemical Science Foundations SE0BBS Module
Biological Chemistry I CH2BIC Module
Biomechanics and Kinematics BE2BMK Module
Biomedical Engineering Project 1 BE1BP1 Module
Biomedical Engineering Project 2 BE2BP2 Module
Biomedical Engineering Research Project BE4RP1 Module
Biomedical Implants and Prosthetics BE3BIP Module
Biomedical Signal Processing BE2BSP Module
Biomolecules BB4BMC Module
Biosciences Placement BIOP01 Module
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing CE30BB Module
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing CE3BIO Module
Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine BE3BIO Module
BLO101 OES2 Module
Block Chain and FinTech BFM172 Module
Brain & Behaviour CA4514 Module
Brain and Behaviour PY4514 Module
Brain and Behaviour PY2504 Module
Brain Disorders and Disease NE3501 Module
Brain Disorders and Disease NE3001 Module
Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners LW1404 Module
British Politics since 1990 LP1100 Module
British Society through Film and Television LA1506 Module
British Society through Printed Media LA1507 Module
Broadband Wireless Networks EE4117 Module
Building and Design and Construction Technology EC1BDT Module
Building Information and Digital Construction EC1BID Module
Bullets, Bombs and Bitcoin: History and Technology Since 1900 LQ3004 Module
Business Analytics in Practice BNM863J Module
Business Analytics in Practice BNK463 Module
Business Analytics Project BN3310 Module
Business and Enterprise Skills for Translators LIM101 Module
Business Aspects of Computing CS1BAC Module
Business Context in France LF1116 Module
Business Context in Spain LS1116 Module
Business Ethics BL3320 Module
Business Finance BFM206J Module
Business Finance BFM205J Module
Business for the Biosciences BPG140 Module
Business in an International Context LU1009 Module
Business Management Simulation BS2236A Module
Business Model Generation BB0BMG Module
Business Research Methods BN2224 Module
Business Tax BF2264MU Module
Business Venturing BSM948J Module
Cancer Biology BB6CAN Module
Case Studies in Global History LQ2007 Module
Cell and Molecular Biology BI4CMB Module
Cell Biology CPDCB1 Module
Cell Membranes BC5MEM Module
Cell Membranes and Energy Generation BC2004 Module
Cell Signalling and Physiology BB5CSP Module
Cells to Systems BB4CTS Module
Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience NE1010 Module
Cellular Neuroscience NE2516 Module
Cellular Pathology CPDCP1 Module
Cellular Pathology (CPD) BY3CP2 Module
Changing China: People’s Republic in the 21st Century LPM057 Module
Changing China: People’s Republic in the 21st Century LPM118 Module
Changing Worlds, Changing Workers LU2012 Module
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics CE2CET Module
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics CE2CETMU Module
Chemistry for Engineers CE1CFEMU Module
Chemistry for Engineers CE1CFE Module
Chemistry with Computers CH30CC Module
Child Development PY3503 Module
Chinese IBE I LX1006 Module
Chinese IBE II LX2002 Module
Chinese Language Skills III LX3004 Module
Chinese Politics and Society LP3105 Module
Civil Engineering Design Project EC3CEP Module
Civil Engineering Project Management EC3PCM Module
Clinical and Food Microbiology BM6CFM Module
Clinical Apprenticeships 1 MS3000 Module
Clinical Apprenticeships 2 MS4000 Module
Clinical Biochemistry CPDBC1 Module
Clinical Genetics and Human Disease BM5GHD Module
Clinical Practice I HF1FCP Module
Clinical Practice II HF2FCP Module
Clinical Psychology of Intellectual Disability PY3513 Module
Clinical Sciences BM5CLS Module
Clinical Skills I HF1FCS Module
Clinical Skills II HF2FCS Module
Clinical Trials and Research Design BE4CTR Module
Cloud Computing for Business BN2223 Module
Cognition & Cognitive Neuropsychology CA4517 Module
Cognition and Cognitive Neuropsychology PY4517 Module
Cognition and Cognitive Neuropsychology PY2507 Module
Cognition and Style LE3100 Module
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience: Theories and Application PY4016 Module
Cognitive Poetics LEM131 Module
Commercial Contracts and Practices BL2202 Module
Commercial Law BL2243 Module
Commercial Management - Advanced Quantification & Costing EC3MQC Module
Communication and Clinical Skills 1 HS1CS1 Module
Communication and Clinical Skills 2 HS2PS2 Module
Communication and Clinical Skills 2 HS2CS2 Module
Communication and Clinical Skills 3 HS3CS3 Module
Communication Skills for Business LA1503 Module
Communications Systems EE2COM Module
Comparative Government and Politics LP2100 Module
Comparative Regionalism and Regional Cooperation LPM221 Module
Competition Policy BS3383 Module
Computational Intelligence CS4720 Module
Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering BE3CMB Module
Computational neuroscience NE3516 Module
Computational Neuroscience NE4COM Module
Computational Problem Solving EE1PSC Module
Computer Integrated Manufacturing ME4CIM Module
Computer systems CS1CS Module
Computer Systems and Networks DC1CSN Module
Computing Foundations SE0CMF Module
Concepts and Strategies for Qualitative Social Science LPM113 Module
Concepts and Strategies for Social Data Analysis LPM114 Module
Conflict and Intervention LP3106 Module
Conflict and Security LPM220 Module
Construction Contract Management and Administration 1 EC1CMA Module
Construction Materials and Surveying EC1CMS Module
Construction Procurement and Contracts EC4CPC Module
Construction Project Management Foundations SE0CPF Module
Construction Quantification and Costing EC2CQC Module
Consumer Behaviour BMM641J Module
Consumer Research and the Customer Experience BM3333 Module
Contemporary Britain: from the Boer War to Brexit LQ1003 Module
Contemporary Britain: from the Boer War to Brexit LQ1006 Module
Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting BFM253J Module
Contemporary Marketing Principles BM1110 Module
Content Marketing BM1119 Module
Content Marketing for Digital Media BMM663J Module
Content Marketing for Digital Media BMM663 Module
Control Systems and Instrumentation PE3CSI Module
Control Technical Support Engineering DE2CTS Module
Corporate Governance Regulation & Compliance BLM113J Module
Corpus Linguistics LE3133 Module
Corpus Linguistics LEM138 Module
Course and Materials Design LEM101 Module
Crafting and delivering customer value BMM665 Module
Crafting Organisational Strategy BSM992 Module
Crafting Strategy BPG122C Module
Crafting Strategy BPG122JC Module
Creating and Delivering Customer Value BPG122A Module
Creating and Delivering Customer Value BPG122JA Module
Creating and delivering customer value BEE665 Module
Creating and Leading High Performance Teams BED201 Module
Creating Effective Teams BD002 Module
Crises Technology and Analytics BNM892 Module
Crisis Management and Decision Making BHM502 Module
Critical Approaches to Security Studies LPM110 Module
Critical Approaches to Security Studies LP2101 Module
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management BH3310 Module
Critical Social Psychology PY3502 Module
CSI: Crime, Subversion and Injustice LK3041 Module
CSR Challenge BED700 Module
CSR, Sustainable Development and Public Policy BHM944 Module
Current Issues in Global Audit and Assurance BFM256 Module
Current Issues in Global Audit and Assurance BFM256J Module
Current Issues in Retailing Management BM3334 Module
Customer Engagement and Operational Effectiveness EM4066 Module
Customer Engagement in an Engineering Enterprise EM4049J Module
Cyber Crime, Cyber Law & Privacy CS31CC Module
Cyber Security Human and Regulatory Aspects BNM763 Module
Dashboards and Spreadsheets BN2206 Module
Data Acquisition and Control DE2INS Module
Data Acquisition and Control EE2DAQ Module
Data Encryption, Data Integrity and Authentication CS2DDA Module
Data Mining and Web Analytics BNM861J Module
Data Mining and Web Analytics BNK461 Module
Data Protection Law BL3365 Module
Data Science Programming AM41DP Module
Data Science Programming AM40DP Module
Data Science Programming DS40DP Module
Data Structures and Algorithms DC2DSA Module
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java CS2DSA Module
Database Systems CS41DS Module
DataVisualisation BN2207 Module
Debates in Contemporary British Politics LP3129 Module
Decision Models BNM860J Module
Decision Models BNK460 Module
Deep Learning CS4740 Module
Delivering Secure Software CS32SS Module
Delivering Secure Software CS3255 Module
Democracy Authoritarianism and Regime Change LP3107 Module
Derivatives BSM162 Module
Derivatives BFM162J Module
Derivatives BS3385 Module
Descriptive Analytics BNM854J Module
Descriptive Analytics BNK454 Module
Design Fundamentals PD1DFU Module
Design Management & Innovation PD2DMI Module
Design Studio PD2DES Module
Designing and Managing Operations, Systems and Processes BPG121A Module
Developing Adult Nursing practice NU2DNP Module
Developing an Innovative and Entrepreneurial Mindset BPG121B Module
Developing Business Systems Workshop BNM803J Module
Developing Digital Marketing Skills BMC108 Module
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquir EM4064 Module
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquiry part 2 LT2DL2 Module
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquiry part 2 LT3DL2 Module
Developing Leadership Ability BDC313 Module
Developing Management Capability DS2DMC Module
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3.5YR) BDC101B Module
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3.5YR) BDC204 Module
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3YR) BDC101 Module
Developing New Products and Services BB0DPS Module
Developmental & Social Psychology PY1504 Module
Developmental Psychology LSS0DP Module
Diagnostic Audiology HS2DA1 Module
Digital Advertising BMM608 Module
Digital Advertising BDC109 Module
Digital Analytics and Artificial Intelligence BMM612 Module
Digital and Business Transformation BNM884 Module
Digital and Social Media Marketing BM1112 Module
Digital Approaches to Analysing Texts LE3123 Module
Digital Communication and Information Theory EE4DCI Module
Digital Communications EE3DCI Module
Digital Engineering DE1DIE Module
Digital Forensics CS32DF Module
Digital Forensics CS3DF Module
Digital Health LKM209 Module
Digital Marketing BMK445 Module
Digital Marketing BMM658J Module
Digital Methods for Social Science and Humanities LK2041 Module
Digital Psychology and Buyer Behaviour BMM616 Module
Digital Signal Processing EE3DSP Module
Digital Skills Bootcamp DSB101 Module
Digital Systems Hardware EE4DSH Module
Digital Systems Hardware EE3DSH Module
Digital Transformation BNK482 Module
Digital Transformation BNK582 Module
Diplomacy and Soft Power LP3127 Module
Dispute Resolution BL2209 Module
Dissertation LE3103 Module
Dissertation HS3DS1 Module
Dissertation LEM134 Module
Dissertation LE3124 Module
Dissertation (Literature) LE3120 Module
Dissertation :Research Methods and Research Proposal HT2DS1 Module
Dissertation on Future Vehicle Technologies ME4516 Module
Downstream Processing for Biotechnology Products CE4DPB Module
Drug Delivery and Targeting PHM204 Module
Drug Discovery PHM203 Course
Drug Discovery PHM202 Module
Drug Dosage Form Design PHM207 Module
Dynamic Content Marketing BM2230 Module
e-Business BB0EBS Module
e-Business Strategy BNM742 Module
Early Life Stress and Neurodevelopment NE3519 Module
Early Life Stress and Neurodevelopment NE4STR Module
East Asian Politics and Society: China and Japan LP2102 Module
Eating Behaviour PY3512 Module
Econometrics 1 BSM952J Module
Econometrics 1 BS2280 Module
Econometrics 1 BSM952 Module
Econometrics 2 BSM946J Module
Economic and Commercial Determinants of Health LKM205 Module
Economic Environment of Business BSM940J Module
Economics of Entrepreneurship BS3387 Module
Effective Management Consultancy BNK417 Module
Effective Management Consultancy BNM817J Module
Effective Management Consultancy BNK517 Module
Effective Management Consultancy KPN817 Module
Effective Management Consultancy 1 BN3360 Module
Effective Management Consultancy 2 BN3361 Module
Effective Project Delivery 1 BN3362 Module
Effective Project Delivery 2 BN3366 Module
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals ME1EEF Module
Electrical Machines Construction and Performance PE3ELM Module
Electrical Power Systems EE2EPS Module
Electrical Principles EE1EPR Module
Electro-Mechancial Principles DE1EMP Module
Electronic Engineering Foundations SE0FEE Module
Electronic Engineering Fundamentals EE1FUN Module
Elites LK3042 Module
Emerging Technologies, AI and Law BL3359 Module
Emerging Topics in FinTech BSM182 Module
Empathy & Human Factors in Transport LT3EHF Module
Employee Relations BH3311 Module
Employers Liability BL3515 Module
Employment Law BL2242 Module
Employment Law BHM350J Module
Employment Law for HRM BH3312 Module
Energy Supply and Delivery ME2042MU Module
Energy Supply and Delivery CE2042 Module
Engineering a Sustainable Future SE0ESF Module
Engineering Design and the Environment ME3EDE Module
Engineering Design Applications PE3EDA Module
Engineering materials ME2019MU Module
Engineering Materials and Manufacturing PE3EMM Module
Engineering Mathematics EE1EMA Module
Engineering Mathematics 2 ME21EM Module
Engineering Practice PD1EPR Module
Engineering Principles 1 PD1EP1 Module
Engineering Principles 2 PD2EP2 Module
Engineering Programme Management EM4063 Module
Engineering Project M PE3EPM Module
Engineering Projects EE1EPJ Module
Engineering Projects EE1EP Module
Engineering Science 1 ME1ES1 Module
Engineering Systems And Management LT3FYP Module
Engineering Team Project EE2PRJ Module
English for Higher Education Studies LA2133 Module
English Language Across Time and Space LE1100 Module
English Language Development LA2131 Module
English Language Preparation LA2130 Module
English Language Skills for Academic Study LA0AL1 Module
English Language Skills for Academic Study 2 LA0AL2 Module
Enterprise Creation BD001 Module
Enterprise Creation and Management BED101 Module
Enterprise Resource Planning BNM804J Module
Entrepreneurial Marketing and Strategy BM3335 Module
Entrepreneurial Strategies BSM930J Module
Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Emerging Economies BSM980J Module
Environmental Chemistry I CH2ENC Module
Environmental Economics BS3388 Module
Environmental Engineering SE4ENV Module
Environmental Regulations & Impact Assessment SE4EIA Module
Epidemiology LKM103 Module
Equity and Trusts Law (BL3301) BL3301 Module
Essential Laboratory Skills BI4ELS Module
Essential Laboratory Skills BI4ELX Module
Essential Laboratory Skills BI4PDR Module
Essential Laboratory Skills NE4ELS Module
Essential Skills for Engineering and Applied Science SE0ESE Module
Essential Skills: Specialisation PH4707 Module
Ethical and Sustainable Marketing BM3351 Module
Ethical and Sustainable Marketing. BM3340 Module
Ethics and International Relations LP3113 Module
Ethics in a Crisis BLM101 Module
Ethics in a Crisis BL3514 Module
Ethics in Academic Practice BPG112J Module
Ethics in Academic Practice BPG110J Module
European Union Law BL3302 Module
EuroSim: Learning Negotiation through Simulation Games LP3114 Module
Events and Public Relations BM2231 Module
Events Marketing BM2283 Module
Evidence Based Practice HT1EB2 Module
Evidencing Managerial Skill BDC312C Module
Excellence in Business Project Management BNC201 Module
Exploring Enterprise Experience BSM982 Module
Families and Wellbeing PY3514 Module
Feeding the Brain NE3518 Module
Feeding the brain NE4FTB Module
Final Year Project EC310AMU Module
Final Year Project PY3501 Module
Final Year Project EE4EPJ Module
Financial Accounting & Reporting BFM236J Module
Financial Analysis BFM241J Module
Financial Analysis BF3304 Module
Financial Economics BS3389 Module
Financial management BF227MU Module
Financial Management BSC102 Module
Financial Management BF2267 Module
Financial Mathematics and Portfolio Theory AM30FP Module
Financial Services, Regulation and Crises BS2299 Module
Financial Statement Analysis BFM177 Module
Fluid and structure ME4FSI Module
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CE2FHTMU Module
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer CE2FHT Module
Forensic Inference and Statistics LEM123 Module
Foundation Apprenticeship MS5000 Module
Foundation Chemistry 1 SE0CE1 Module
Foundation Chemistry II SE0CE2 Module
Foundations in Business Systems BNM805J Module
Foundations in Qualitative Research PGR002 Module
Foundations in Qualitative Research LYM014J Module
Foundations of Biomedical Engineering SE0FBE Module
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology PY1505 Module
Foundations of Object Oriented Programming CS1FOP Module
Foundations of Technology Solutions DC1FTS Module
Fraud, Bribery and Corruption BL3322 Module
French for Beginners LF1036 Module
French II Improvers LF1037 Module
French III Intermediate LF1038 Module
French Language Skills ab initio II LF2019 Module
French Language Skills I LF1117 Module
French Language Skills III LF3105 Module
French Politics and Society LF2106 Module
Fundamental Mathematics AM10FM Module
Fundamentals in Quantitative Research BHM839 Module
Fundamentals of Adult Nursing Practice NU1FNP Module
Fundamentals of Medicine 2 MS2000 Module
Further Derivatives BS3390 Module
Further Topics in Macroeconomics BS3326 Module
Further Topics in Microeconomics BS3391 Module
Future Law BL3360 Module
Game Theory AM30GM Module
Gender and Politics LP3115 Module
Geotechnics 1 EC2GEO Module
Geotechnics 2 EC3GEO Module
German for Beginners LG1418 Module
German II Improvers LG1419 Module
German III – Intermediate LG1420 Module
Ghouls, Goths and Vampires LE3104 Module
Global Health LKM207 Module
Global Health Policy LYM015 Module
Global History in Perspective LQ1004 Module
Global Marketing BM3401 Module
Global Risk & Resilience Management BNM895 Module
Global Working BH3313 Module
Hacking the Brain NE4HAC Module
Hacking the brain NE3514 Module
Hacking the Brain NE3014 Module
Haematology & Transfusion Science CPDHT1 Module
Haematology and Transfusion Science BY3HT2 Module
Health and Patient Psychology OP4HPP Module
Health Assessent - IPL PHMAH5 Module
Health Assessment - Practice PHMAH3 Module
Health Assessment - Theory PHMAH2 Module
Health assessment- clinical application PHMAH4 Module
Health Behaviours and Interventions PYM724 Module
Health Behaviours and Interventions PYM714 Module
Health Inequalities and Public Health PYM7250 Module
Health Inequalities and Public Health PYM725 Module
Health Inequalities and Public Health PYM715 Module
Health Promotion LKM104 Module
Health, Safety and Risk Management EC2HSR Module
Healthcare and Professional Practice HS1HP1 Module
Healthcare Leadership Focus BPG128 Module
Healthcare Study Skills HS1HS1 Module
Hearing Therapy HT1CC2 Module
High-throughput Synthesis and Peptide Chemistry CH3119 Module
History of Emotions LQ2006 Module
History Workshop LQ3002 Module
HR Analytics BHM386 Module
Human Anatomy and Physiology CPDHP1 Module
Human Computer Interaction DS40HC Module
Human Computer Interaction DC1HC1 Module
Human Computer Interaction DC2HCI Module
Human Disease BL5HUD Module
Human Factors in Security CS21HF Module
Human Factors in Security CS2HFS Module
Human Resources and Change Management EM4050J Module
Human-Computer Interaction CS2HCI Module
Humanitarian Action and Foreign Intervention, 1915 – Today LQ2009 Module
Humanitarian Supply Chain Management BNM893 Module
Hybrid and Electric Powertrains ME4511 Module
Hydraulics EC3HDS Module
Hydraulics & Pneumatics DE2HPN Module
IBE (Global) LU2008 Module
Identities and Inequalities LSS0DQ Module
IELTS Preparation LA1509 Module
Image and Video Processing CS3IVP Module
Immunology BC2005 Module
Immunology CPDIM1 Module
Immunology BY3IM2 Module
Immunology and Immunoassays CH3118 Module
Immunology and Inflammation BB6IAI Module
Impact Assessment DT2IA1 Module
Implementing Business Decisions BN3376 Module
Improving Healthcare HF2FIH Module
Independent Systematic Review PY3515 Module
Individual Differences, Health & Personality CA4516 Module
Individual Differences, Health & Personality PY4516 Module
Individual Differences, Health and Personality PY2506 Module
Individual Final year Project EE3EPJ Module
Individual Project CS312P Module
Industrial Biotechnology BB6INB Module
Industrial Product Design PD2IPD Module
Information Security CS2IS Module
Information Security BN3377 Module
Infrastructure Engineering and Inter-disciplinary Design EC4IED Module
Innovation BS3392 Module
Innovation & Entrepreneurship BD004 Module
Innovation and New Product and Service Development BM3336 Module
Innovation and Entrepreneurship BED400 Module
Inorganic Chemistry I CH1IOC Module
Inorganic Chemistry II CH2IOC Module
Integrated Case Study BF3305 Module
Integrated Communications and Digital Strategy BMM606 Module
Integrated marketing BMM640J Module
Integrated Person-Centred Care PH4706 Module
Integrated Placement Year LUP100 Module
Integrated Placement Year LKP100 Module
Integrated Placement Year LPP100 Module
Integrated Placement Year LEP100 Module
Intellectual Property and the Internet BL2240 Module
Intellectual Property Strategy & Management BLM137J Module
Interaction Design CS3ID Module
Intercultural Communication LE2130 Module
Interest Groups and Lobbying LP3116 Module
Interest Groups and Lobbying in the Multilevel Context LPM109 Module
Intermediate Digital Design EE2DID Module
International Business BSM694 Module
International Business BSM694J Module
International Business BSK694J Module
International Business BEE673 Module
International Business BSM933J Module
International Business and Markets (Mandarin) LX2004 Module
International Business Finance BFM171 Module
International Commercial Dispute Resolution BLM176 Module
International Commercial Law BL3369 Module
International Commercial Law and Practice BL3319 Module
International Development LPM222 Module
International Finance BSM296 Module
International Finance BFM296 Module
International Finance BFM208J Module
International Finance BS3393 Module
International Finance BFM296J Module
International Financial Management BFM299 Module
International Financial Reporting BF2269 Module
International Financial Reporting BF2269MU Module
International human rights law BL3370 Module
International Institutions LP3117 Module
International Marketing BM3339 Module
International Marketing Management BMM693 Module
International Marketing Management BMM693J Module
International Marketing Management BMM645J Module
International Operations BN3INO Module
International Operations Strategy BNM751 Module
International Operations Strategy BNM571 Module
International Political Economy LP2105 Module
International Political Economy LPM111 Module
International Relations in Political Thought LP2107 Module
International Relations Theory LPM100 Module
International Relations: Theories LP2106 Module
International Taxation and Accounting BFM285J Module
International Trade BS3317 Module
International Trade Law LT3315MU Module
Internet Applications DC1IAP Module
Internet Applications and Database Design CS1IAD Module
Internet Law BLM171 Module
Internet Of Things EE3INT Module
Internet of things EE4IOT Module
Introduction to Accounting and Finance BB0AAF Module
Introduction to Adult Auditory Assessment HF1FAA Module
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence CS2IAI Module
Introduction to Business and Management Research KPS101 Module
Introduction to Business and Management Research DBK101 Module
Introduction to Business and Organisations BDC105B_T1_A Module
Introduction to Business Management. SE1IBM Module
Introduction to Business Organisations BN1IBO Module
Introduction to Chemical & Biochemical Engineering CE1CBEMU Module
Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering CE1CBE Module
Introduction to China LX1008 Module
Introduction to Civil Engineering EC1ICE Module
Introduction to Clinical Psychology PY1506 Module
Introduction to Contract and Property BL1103 Module
Introduction to Control/Technical Support Engineering DE1CON Module
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics LE2126 Module
Introduction to Data Analysis BB0DTA Module
Introduction to Distributed Systems CS2IDS Module
Introduction to Engineering and Design ME1IED Module
Introduction to Finance BS1136 Course
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Pipe Flow EC2FMP Module
Introduction to French Speaking Countries LF1114 Module
Introduction to Healthcare and Professional Practice HS1IH1 Module
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology SE0HAP Module
Introduction to Information Systems and Database BN1162 Module
Introduction to Intercultural Communication LA1502 Module
Introduction to Language and Communication LI1013 Module
Introduction to Language Study LE1124 Module
Introduction to Latin America LS1115 Module
Introduction to Learning and Teaching Practice in Higher Education ED6001 Module
Introduction to Linguistics LE1102 Module
Introduction to Neuroscience NE1517 Module
Introduction to Political Economy: Institutions and Rational LP2104 Module
Introduction to Science Industry Process/Plant Engineering DE1SCI Module
Introduction to Sensory Sciences NS1SS1 Module
Introduction to Spain LS1114 Module
Introduction to the European Union LP1101 Module
Introduction to Transfer Process CE1ITP Module
Introduction to Transport DT1IT1 Module
Introduction to Transport LT1IT1 Module
Introductory Marketing BB0MKT Module
Inventions, Discoveries, and Cures: Science, Technology, and Medicine since 1750 LQ1009 Module
Investment Banking BFM168J Module
Investment Management BFM120J Module
Investment Management BSM120 Module
Islamic Finance BL3388 Module
IT Project Management BNM866 Module
IT Strategy BNM897 Module
Judgement and decision-making PY3023 Module
Key Skills for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscientists 1 PY4021 Module
Key Skills for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscientists 2 PY4022 Module
Key skills in Neuroscience 2 NE2514 Module
Key Skills in Neurosciences 1 NE1514 Module
Key Skills in Psychology 1 PY1501 Module
Key Skills in Psychology 2 PY1502 Module
Knowledge at Work BN3379 Module
Laboratory Compentency Assessment BI4COM Module
Laboratory practicals 2 NE2518 Module
Land Law BL2207 Module
Language and Literature in Education LE3105 Module
Language and Society in the French-speaking World LF1118 Module
Language and Style LE2132 Module
Language as Evidence LE3116 Module
Language Awareness LE2105 Module
Language Contact and Globalisation LE3118 Module
Language Contact and Multilingualism LEM108 Module
Language in the News Media LE2120 Module
Language Learning and Loss: Educational and Clinical Contexts PY3509 Module
Language Policy and Language Planning LE2108 Module
Law and Business and in the Global Context BLM170 Module
Law and the Regulatory Environment DT1LRE Module
Law Economics and Accounting for Marketers BM1120 Module
Law in an Applied Context (incorporating work experience) BL2200 Module
Law of Banking and Financial Services BLM152 Module
Law of Business and Business Concepts BL1105 Module
Leaders and Leadership: Case Studies and Comparative Perspectives LP3118 Module
Leadership & Change Management BHC202 Module
Leadership and Change BHM382 Module
Leadership and Decision Making BHM395 Module
Leadership and Management BB0LAM Module
Leadership and Management Communication LE3111 Module
Leadership, Innovation and Quality NS3LQ1 Module
Leading Enterprises BPG121J Module
Leading Enterprises BPG121 Module
Leading Operational Change BNC314 Module
Leading Teams & Projects BPG122 Module
Leading Teams & Projects BPG122J Module
Learning & Development BH3315 Module
Learning & Talent Development BHM351J Module
Learning English LE3106 Module
Legal Challenges: Starting an Innovative Business BLK514 Module
Legal practice management- business law in practice BL3377 Module
Legal risk BLM151 Module
Legal Risk Management BLM174 Module
Legal Risk Management BEE174 Module
Legal System and Skills BL1101 Module
Liability in Crime and Tort BL1102 Module
Life and Academic Study in Britain LA1501 Module
Life and Academic Study in Britain LA1510 Module
Life Cycle Analysis and Circular Economy SE4LCE Module
Life Cycle Thinking & Assessment SE4LCA Module
Lifespan Development PY4515 Module
Lifespan Development PY2505 Module
Linear Mathematics AM20LI Module
Literature in Film LE2127 Module
Literature Research Project CH3LRP Module
Living with Long-Term Health Conditions PY3506 Module
LLM in International Commercial Law Business Project BDM175 Module
LLM in International Commercial Law Dissertation BDM175D Module
Logistics and Transportation EM4051J Module
Logistics Management DL3LM1 Module
Logistics Management DS1LM1 Module
Machine Learning ME4MAL Module
Machine Learning AM20LE Module
Machine Learning CS4730 Module
Macroeconometrics BS3328 Module
Maintenance Management Systems PE3MMS Module
Major Employer Project (SL) EM4065 Module
Making Histories I: Methods theories controversies LQ1002 Module
Making Histories I: Methods, Theories, Controversies LQ1005 Module
Making Histories II: Oral and digital methods LQ2002 Module
Making Histories II: Oral and digital methods LQ2008 Module
Management Accounting BFM224J Module
Management Consulting BMM977 Module
Management in Engineering Enterprises EM4052J Module
Managing and Interpreting Financial Information Workshop BHM363J Module
Managing Data in Transport Projects DT2MTP Module
Managing Engineering Projects DT2MEP Module
Managing Healthcare Operations BNM896 Module
Managing IT in a Global Context BN3380 Module
Managing People and Team Leading LBM3MP Module
Managing Projects & Performance DS2MPP Module
Managing Responsible Organisations BHM377 Module
Managing Responsible Organisations BPG121C Module
Mandarin Chinese - Beginners LX1404 Module
Mandarin Chinese Characters I LX1009 Module
Mandarin Chinese Characters II LX2005 Module
Mandarin Chinese characters III LX3006 Module
Mandarin Chinese II – Improvers LX1405 Module
Mandarin Chinese III – Intermediate LX1406 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills Ab Initio I LX1005 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills Ab Initio II LX2001 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills I LX1007 Module
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills II LX2003 Module
Manufacturing and Materials ME1MM1 Module
Manufacturing Processes and Technology DE2MAN Module
Marketing BMC313 Module
Marketing BMC206C Module
Marketing BMC106 Module
Marketing Analytics tool BM2233 Module
Marketing Channels & Strategic Sales Force Management BMM637J Module
Marketing Communications BM1117 Module
Marketing Management BMM601J Module
Marketing Principles BM1123 Module
Marketing Research BMM603J Module
Marketing Strategy BM3346 Module
Marketing Strategy BMM604J Module
Marriage in Literature: Class, Race, Gender and Money LE3107 Module
Mass Transfer CE2MAT Module
Mastering Strategy (SL) EM4061 Module
Materials and Manufacturing 2 ME2MM2 Module
Mathematical Method AM20MS Module
Mathematical Modelling for Engineers ME1MME Module
Mathematics 1 SE0MA1 Module
Mathematics 2 SE0MA2 Module
Mathematics for AI CS4755 Module
Mathematics for Chemical Engineers CE1MAT Module
Mathematics for Chemical Engineers CE1MATMU Module
Mathematics for Chemists CH1MAT Module
Mathematics for Computing Professionals CS1MCP Module
Mathematics for Economics BS1111 Module
Mathematics for Engineering Systems and Management SE0MAE Module
Mathematics for Physics and Engineering EE1MPE Module
Mathematics for Transport Planners DT1MTP Module
Maths for Civil Engineering EC1MCE Module
Maths for Health Scientists SE0MHS Module
MBA Project BDM151J Module
MBiol Key Skills BY4KS2 Module
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance BFM253 Module
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance BFM255 Module
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance BPG122JB Module
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance BPG122B Module
Measuring the Economy BSM956 Module
Mechanical Engineering Associated Studies SE0MAA Module
Mechanical Science 1 SE0ME1 Module
Mechanical Science 2 SE0ME2 Module
Mechanisms of Pathology BB5MOP Module
Media and Political Communication LPM106 Module
Medical Biochemistry BY3BC2 Module
Medical Biophysics BE2MB1 Module
Medical Imaging BE3MIM Module
Medical Law and Ethics BL2241 Module
Medical Management and Leadership HL4002 Module
Medical Microbiology CPDMM1 Module
Medical Retina OP4MRT Module
Medical Robotics BE4RM1 Module
Medical Robotics BE4MR1 Module
MEMS Applications and Design ME4601 Module
Mental Health Therapeutics PH7MHT Module
Mental Health Therapeutics PH7HMT Module
Metabolic Disease BL6MET Module
Metabolic Physiology for Biology BL4MAP Module
Metabolism and Physiology for BMS BM4MAP Module
Microbiology and Genetics BB4MAG Module
Microeconometrics BS3397 Module
Microeconomics BSM953 Module
Migration and Forced Displacement LPM224 Module
Mobile Data Networks EE4116 Module
Mobile Design and Development CS3MDD Module
Mobile Development DC3MDV Module
Modeling repair and regeneration in the injured central nervous system NE4REP Module
Modelling DT1MOD Module
Molecular and Applied Microbiology BB6MAM Module
Molecular basis of Pain NE3505 Module
Molecular Basis of Pain NE3005 Module
Molecular Biology BC2006 Module
Molecular Biology & Genetics CPDMB Module
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology BB5MBB Module
Molecular Cell Biology CH2MCB Module
Molecular Metabolism BC4MOM Module
Molecular Pharmacology NE3504 Module
Monitoring and Management of Civil Infrastructure EC4MCI Module
MPH Dissertation LKM100 Module
MPH with Leadership Dissertation LKM105 Module
MPharm Stage 1 PH1419 Module
MPharm Stage 2 PH2519 Module
MPharm Stage 3 (Teaching & Learning) PH3619 Module
MPharm Stage F (Teaching & Learning) PH4719 Module
MPhys Final Year Project AP4FYP Module
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project BDM218 Module
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project BDM162 Module
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project (BDM162J) BDM162J Module
MSc Accounting & Finance Dissertation BDM162D Module
MSc Business & Management Business Project BDK408 Module
MSc Business & Management Business Project BDM164 Module
MSc Business & Management Business Project BDM164J Module
MSc Business & Management Dissertation BDM164DJ Module
MSc Business & Management Dissertation BDM164D Module
MSc Business Analytics Business Project BDM163J Module
MSc Business Analytics Business Project BDM163 Module
MSc Business Analytics Dissertation BDM163D Module
MSc Business Analytics Dissertation BDK404 Module
MSc Business Economics & Finance Business Project BDM165J Module
MSc Business Economics & Finance Business Project BDM165 Module
MSc Business Economics & Finance Dissertation BDM165DJ Module
MSc Business Economics & Finance Dissertation BDM165D Module
MSc Business Project BDM180 Module
MSc Business Psychology Business Project BDM166 Module
MSc Business Psychology Dissertation BDM166D Module
MSc Crisis and Disaster Management Business Project BDM182 Module
MSc Crisis and Disaster Management Dissertation BDM182D Module
MSc Dissertation BPGDISS Module
MSc Dissertation EC4020 Module
MSc Dissertation BEE141 Module
MSc Entrepreneurship Business Project BDM167J Module
MSc Entrepreneurship Business Project BDM167 Module
MSc Entrepreneurship Dissertation BDM167D Module
MSc Finance Business Project BDM168 Module
MSc Finance Business Project BDM168J Module
MSc Finance Dissertation BDM168D Module
MSc Finance Dissertation BDM168DJ Module
MSc Global Operations & Service Management Business Project BDM169 Module
MSc Global Operations & Service Management Dissertation BDM169D Module
MSc Human Resource Management Business Project BDM176J Module
MSc Human Resource Management Business Project BDM176 Module
MSc Human Resource Management Dissertation BDM176D Module
MSc Human Resource Management Dissertation BDM176DJ Module
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Dissert BDM170DJ Module
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Project BDM170 Module
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Project BDM170J Module
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Dissertation BDM170D Module
MSc International Accounting & Finance Business Project BDM172J Module
MSc International Accounting & Finance Business Project BDM172 Module
MSc International Accounting & Finance Dissertation BDM172D Module
MSc International Accounting & Finance Dissertation BDM172DJ Module
MSc International Business Business Project BDM173 Module
MSc International Business Business Project BDM173J Module
MSc International Business Dissertation BDM173DJ Module
MSc International Business Dissertation BDM173D Module
MSc Investment Analysis Business Project BDM174 Module
MSc Investment Analysis Business Project BDM174J Module
MSc Investment Analysis Dissertation BDM174DJ Module
MSc Investment Analysis Dissertation BDM174D Module
MSc Professional Accounting & Finance Dissertation BDM183DP Module
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Business Project BDM177J Module
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Business Project BDM177 Module
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Dissertation BDM177D Module
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Dissertation BDM177DJ Module
MSc Strategy & International Business Business Project BDM178 Module
MSc Strategy & International Business Dissertation BDM178D Module
MSc Sustainable Engineering Dissertation SE4DIS Module
MSc Work Psychology & Business Business Project BDM181 Module
MSc Work Psychology & Business Dissertation BDM181D Module
Multi-Agent Systems CS3MAS Module
Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Decision Making CS4760 Module
Multilingual Specialised Translation LIM102 Module
Multimodal Analysis LEM133 Module
Multimodal Analysis LE3115 Module
Multiphysics System Design ME4515 Module
Myth-busting in Psychology PY1508 Module
Nationalism and Political Power LP3108 Module
Negotiation skills: EuroSim and Model UN LPM116 Module
Nerve Conduction & Evoked Potentials CNMNC1 Module
Network Science AM40NS Module
Neural Engineering BE4NE1 Module
Neurodiversity or Neurodevelopmental Disorder? PY3511 Module
Neuronal Networks, oscillations and synchrony NE3506 Module
Neuronal Oscillations and Synchrony NE3006 Module
Neurophysiology Practice NS3AE1 Module
Neuroscience in the Real World PY4519 Module
Neuroscience in the Real World PY2509 Module
Neuroscience in the Real World CA4519 Module
Neuroscience Practicals 1 NE1008 Module
Neuroscience Practicals 1 NE1518 Module
Neuroscience Practicals 2 NE2008 Module
Neuroscience Research Laboratory Competencies NE4LAB Module
Neuroscience Research Project NE4RES Module
Neuroscience Research Project NE4PRO Module
New Engines and Alternative Fuels ME4514 Module
North American Politics and Society LP2108 Module
Numerical Algorithms and Programming AM10NP Module
Numerical Analysis AM20N2 Module
Object Oriented Programming CS1OOP Module
Ocular Anatomy & Essential Ophthalmic Investigative Technique OP4OE1 Module
OES - Online Education Services OES College
Operating Systems CS2OS Module
Operational Effectiveness, Lean and Agile Manufacturing EM4053J Module
Operations And Information BN3357 Module
Operations Management BNM810J Module
Operations Management of Manufacturing for Productivity BNM891 Module
Operations Management of Manufacturing for Productivity BNM890 Module
Operations Strategy BN3349 Module
Ophthalmic and Vision Science NS2OVS Module
Ophthalmic Imaging NS3OPL Module
Optical Communications Systems EE4OPC Module
Optical Communications Systems EE3OPC Module
Optoelectronics AP4OEL Module
Optometry 1 OP1421 Module
Optometry Stage 2 OP2521 Module
Ordinary Differential Equations AM10OD Module
Organic Chemistry I CH1ORC Module
Organic Chemistry II CH2ORC Module
Organisational Behaviour BHM373 Module
Organisational Behaviour BHM352J Module
Organisational Behaviour BHM353J Module
Organisational Behaviour BEE373 Module
Organisational Development BHM380 Module
Organising for Social Justice LK2038 Module
PA2000 Physician Associate Practice 2 PA2000 Module
Paediatric Audiology Foundations HS3PA1 Module
Paediatric Audiology: Assessment and Management NS2PA1 Module
Paediatric EEG NS2PE1 Module
Paediatric Eye Care OP4PEC Module
Pathways to Net Zero SE4PNZ Module
People and World Organisations BHM357J Module
People and World Organisations BHM357A Module
People and World Organisations. BEE537 Module
Perceiving people PY3508 Module
Performance Analytics BNK462 Module
Performance Analytics BNM862J Module
Personal Leadership Focus BPG126 Module
Personal Leadership Focus BPG123J Module
Personal Leadership Focus BPG123 Module
Perspectives in International Business LX3005 Module
Pervasive and Mobile Communication Networks EE4118 Module
Pharmacist Prescribing PHMPI2 Module
Pharmacokinetics PHM208 Module
Pharmacology and Toxicology BB6PAT Module
Pharmacy Stage 1 PH1423 Module
Pharmacy Stage 2 PH2523 Module
Pharmacy Stage 3 PH3623 Module
Pharmacy Stage 4/F PH4723 Module
Philosophy of Research in the Social Sciences LPM119 Module
Physical Chemistry for Engineers CE1PCE Module
Physical Chemistry I CH1PHC Module
Physical Chemistry II CH2PHC Module
Physical Principles EE1PHP Module
Physical Principles for EECS EE1PPC Module
Physical Science and Engineering Foundation 1 SE0PS1 Module
Physical Science and Engineering Foundation 2 SE0PS2 Module
Physics for Health Scientists SE0PYS Module
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Movements NE3515 Module
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Movements NE4MOV Module
Pills and Poisons NE2009 Module
Placement NEP500 Module
Political Communication LP3128 Module
Political Parties LP3055 Module
Political Theories and Ideologies LP2109 Module
Politics and Islam: Past and Present LP3120 Module
Politics and Society in Spain and Latin America LS2106 Module
Politics and Society of the Middle East LP2416 Module
Portfolio Management and Behavioural Finance BS3396 Module
Post-Migration Europe LPM115J Module
Postgraduate Research Skills BI4PRS Module
Power Electronics and Electric Drives ME4512 Module
Power Electronics for Power Systems. PE3PEL Module
Power Systems Dynamics and Smart Grid Technologies PE3PSD Module
Prescribing in Acute & Emergency Medicine PHMPI3 Module
Primary and Community Care NU2FNP Module
Principles of Advanced Practice OP4ADP Module
Principles of Product Analysis and Validation PHM205 Module
Principles of Project Management BNC110 Module
Private and Venture Capital BFM173 Module
Private International Law BL3516 Module
Probabilistic Modelling AM41PB Module
Probabilistic Modelling AM40PB Module
Probability and Statistics AM10PS Module
Probability Distributions AM1ODI Module
Process and Product design CE1PPD Module
Process Design CE2PRD Module
Process design CE2002MU Module
Process Safety and Sustainability CE3PSS Module
Process Simulation CE2105MU Module
Process Simulation and Control CE2PSC Module
Procurement and Cost Management EC2PCM Module
Product Experience PD2PEX Module
Product Introduction Processes EM4054J Module
Product, Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship BL3323 Module
Product, Market and Intellectual Property PHM201 Module
Product, Market and Intellectual Property PD2PMI Module
Professional and Social Aspects of Computing CS1PSA Module
Professional and Social Aspects of Computing DC2PSA Module
Professional Communication in Healthcare CNMPC1 Module
Professional Development HLSPD1 Module
Professional Development and Research Impact DBK104 Module
Professional Development Audit PE3PDA Module
Professional Development Audit PE3WBP Module
Professional Development for Biochemists BC6PDV Module
Professional Development for Neuroscience NE4PDV Module
Professional Engineering Practice EE2PRO Module
Professional Engineering Practice ME3PEP Module
Professional Engineering Practice DE1PEP Module
Professional Practice AM20PR Module
Professional Practice DC1PRP Module
Professional Practice and Reflection 2 EE2PPR Module
Professional Practice and Reflection 2 EE2PRP Module
Professional Preparation for Industry PD3PPI Module
Professional Research and Communication Skills BI4PRC Module
Professional Skills SE0PRF Module
Professional Skills for Engineers CE1PSE Module
Project Elective BE3PE1 Module
Project Implementation and Reflection KPD201 Module
Project Management EM4055J Module
Project Management & Planning EC2PMP Module
Project Planning and Control EC4PPC Module
Project Proposal KPD200 Module
Protein Structure and Function BC2007 Module
Protein Structure and Function BC5PSF Module
Psychobiology of Illness and Long-Term Conditions PYM726 Module
Psychobiology of Illness and Long-Term Conditions PYM716 Module
Psychological Interventions PY1507 Module
Psychology & Wellbeing CA4518 Module
Psychology and Wellbeing PY4518 Module
Psychology and Wellbeing PY2508 Module
Psychology and Work BH2276 Module
Psychology of Language and Communication LE2119 Module
Psychosis NE3010 Module
Psychotic and Affective Disorders PY3507 Module
Public economics BS2300 Module
Public Health, inequalities, and disease CNMHI1 Module
Public Law and Regulation BL2201 Module
Purchasing Principles for Global Supply Chains DS2PGS Module
Pyschoacoustics and Speech HS2PS1 Module
Python for Finance BFM169 Module
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods DBK103 Module
Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences LYM100 Module
Quality Engineering PE3QEN Module
Quantitative Methods for Finance BFM114J Module
Quantitative Methods for Finance BFM114A Module
Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences BMM669 Module
Quantum computing AM30QU Module
Rage, Shame, and Hope: Emotions and Politics from the 19th century LQ3005 Module
Rail Transport LT2RTP Module
Reaction Engineering CE2REE Module
Reaction Engineering CE2113MU Module
Reading and Society LE2131 Module
Reading and Wellbeing LEM137 Module
Reading Poetry LE121 Module
Reading the Nineteenth Century LEM128DL Module
Reading the Nineteenth Century LEM128 Module
Receptors and Ion Channels NE2011 Module
Religion, Politics and Development LPM225 Module
Renewable Energy & Low Carbon Technologies SE4REN Module
Research and Design Portfolio BE4RDP Module
Research Competency Assessment BI4RCA Module
Research Design in the Social Sciences. LPM218 Module
Research Design Practice and Ethics BFM837 Module
Research Design Practice and Ethics BFM837J Module
Research Design, Practice and Ethics PGR001 Module
Research Design, Practice and Ethics BFM838 Module
Research Design, Practice and Ethics BNM837 Module
Research Dissertation LQ3001 Module
Research Dissertation in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscienc PY4023 Module
Research Methods BNM845 Module
Research Methods BSM960 Module
Research Methods SE4RES Module
Research Methods HS2RM2 Module
Research Methods LEM124 Module
Research Methods BSM174J Module
Research Methods LKM101 Module
Research Methods EM4019J Module
Research Methods & Data Analysis PY4511 Module
Research Methods and Data Analysis PY2501 Module
Research Methods and Professional Practice CS4780 Module
Research Methods for Business Students BDK409 Module
Research Methods in Business BDM131J Module
Research methods in education CL4011 Module
Research Methods in HRM and OB BHM383 Module
Research Methods Workshop BHM387 Module
Research Practicals 1 PY4018 Module
Research Practicals 2 PY4019 Module
Research Project CH3RPJ Module
Research Project PHM200 Module
Research Project ME4525 Module
Research Project AM41PR Module
Research Project AM40PR Module
Research Project BB6PRO Module
Research Project BI4RES Module
Research Project BI4PRO Module
Research Project DI4OPR Module
Research Project A NE3RPA Module
Research Project Design Practice and Ethics BNM867 Module
Research Project in Applied Psychology CA4521 Module
Research Project in Counselling Psychology CA4520 Module
Research Project Preparation BB6RPP Module
Research Skills and Extended Politics and International Rela LP3110 Module
Research Skills and International Relations Dissertation LP3109 Module
Research Skills and Politics and Economics Dissertation LP3111 Module
Research Skills and Politics Dissertation LP3112 Module
Research Topics in TESOL LEM114 Module
Researching English LEM127 Module
Researching English LEM127DL Module
Retail Management BM3302 Module
Rethinking European Integration LPM101 Module
Rewriting Shakespeare LE1122 Module
Risk Management BF3306 Module
Robot Software MERSW Module
Robotics and Autonomous Systems CS4790 Module
Rogue States LPM107 Module
Science in Audiology HF1FSA Module
Secure Network Services CS2SNS Module
Secure Programming CS31SP Module
Security and International Relations SSOSIR Module
Security and International Relations SS0SIR Module
Security Governance, Risk Management and Policy CS32SG Module
Security Studies: Theories and Issues LP2111 Module
Security Thinking and Fundamentals CS11SF Module
Security Thinking and Fundamentals CS1STF Module
Security Thinking and Fundamentals CS1TSF Module
Senses and Perception LHS0SP Module
Sensory Sciences HS1SS1 Module
Separation Processes CE2103MU Module
Separation Processes in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering CE2SPE Module
Service Marketing BM2201 Module
Services and Events Marketing BMC208 Module
Services and Events Marketing BMM203 Module
Services Innovation BNM752 Module
Services Innovation BNM752J Module
Services Operations Management BNM833 Module
Signals and Systems EE2SAS Module
Simulation BN3352 Module
Simulation For Managerial Decision Making BNM802J Module
Simulation Modelling for Transport LT2SMT Module
Social Psychology PY4513 Module
Social Psychology CA4513 Module
Social Psychology PY2503 Module
Social Responsibility in Psychology PY1509 Module
Social Science Project LSS0SP Module
Sociolinguistics LE2134 Module
Software analysis DC2SAN Module
Software Analytics BNM864J Module
Software Analytics BNM864 Module
Software Engineering CS2SE Module
Software for Analytics BNK464 Module
Software for Analytics BN2212 Module
Software Project Management CS3SPM Module
Solid Mechanics PE3SMC Module
South Asian Politics and Society LP2112 Module
Spanish for Beginners LS1402 Module
Spanish II Improvers LS1403 Module
Spanish III - Intermediate LS1404 Module
Specialised Translation Practice: French – English LIM103 Module
Specialised Translation Practice: German – English LIM104 Module
Specialised Translation Practice: Spanish – English LIM105 Module
Specialist Research Skills and Techniques AM4101 Module
Spoken Discourse Analysis LE3114 Module
Spoken Discourse Analysis LE2129 Module
Sport and Politics LP3124 Module
Sports Economics and Finance BS2294 Module
Sports Marketing BM2209 Module
Statistical Machine Learning AM40ML Module
Statistics for Economics BS1112 Module
Stem Cell Biology and Cellular Differentiation BI4SCB Module
Strategic and International HRM BHM354J Module
Strategic Brand Management BMM642J Module
Strategic Business Sustainability BHM328J Module
Strategic Decision Making BM3367 Module
Strategic Finance BS2214 Module
Strategic Financial Management EM4060 Module
Strategic Financial Management in Construction EC4SFM Module
Strategic HRM BH3317 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management BHC308 Module
Strategic Human Resource Management in a Global Context BHM378 Module
Strategic Management BSM949J Module
Strategic Management BSM949 Module
Strategic Management BM3STM Module
Strategic Management BSC314 Module
Strategic Management BSC107 Module
Strategic Management BM3354 Module
Strategic Management BMM929 Module
Strategic Management BSC207C Module
Strategic Management (Executive) BSM997 Module
Strategic Management Accounting BF3307 Module
Strategic Management Accounting BFM283J Module
Strategic Management Accounting BFK504 Module
Strategic Management Accounting BFK503 Module
Strategic Management and Finance EM4K56 Module
Strategic Management and Finance EM4056J Module
Strategic Management in Healthcare Settings BSM994 Module
Strategic Management of Manufacturing BSM996 Module
Strategic Marketing: Thinking and Action BM3400 Module
Strategic Retail Management BMC309 Module
Strategic Sales Leadership BM3557 Module
Strategic Sales Management BMC310 Module
Strategic Sales Management BM3364 Module
Strategic Supply Chain Management DL3SCM Module
Strategy, Change & Leadership BHM355J Module
Structural Analysis and Numerical Modelling EC2SAN Module
Study and Research Skills DT1SRS Module
Stylistics LE123 Module
Supply Chain Analytics DS2SCA Module
Supply Chain Management EM4057J Module
Supply Chain Management EM4K57 Module
Supply Chain Planning LT3105MU Module
Supply Management EM4058J Module
Surfaces, Nanomaterials and Catalysis CH3SNC Module
Sustainability Accounting & Accountability BFM223J Module
Sustainability in Engineering Practice SE4SEP Module
Sustainability, Design & Build CE1DABMU Module
Sustainability, Design and Build CE1DAB Module
Sustainable and Renewable Technologies PE3REN Module
Sustainable Energy ME450X Module
Sustainable Engineering PE3SEN Module
Sustainable Engineering PE2SEN Module
Sustainable Materials and Design EC2SMD Module
Sustainable Operations Management BNM834 Module
Sustainable Operations Management BN3378 Module
Sustainable Transport Planning DT2STP Module
System Administration CS32SA Module
System Management, Access & Control CS31SM Module
System Management, Access and Control CS3SMC Module
Systems and Logistics Foundations SE0FSL Module
Systems Development DC1SDV Module
Systems Engineering PE3SYS Module
Systems Neuroscience NE2012 Module
Systems neuroscience NE2517 Module
Tax Policy and Personal Tax BF3308 Module
TBA NE3520 Module
Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages LE2112 Module
Teaching History in the 21st Century LQ3006 Module
Team Coaching Essentials BPG129 Module
Team project CS2TP Module
Team Project DC2TPR Module
Techniques for Data Analysis (Data Mining) CS3DM Module
Technology & Innovation DS3TI1 Module
Technology & Practice of eCommerce BN3358 Module
Technology and Digital Politics LP3420 Module
TEST2017 - Test Module(TEST2017) 2017_TEST17 Module
The American Presidency LP3103 Module
The Aston Edge BPG120J Module
The Aston Edge BPG120 Module
The Aston Global Advantage BPG125J Module
The Atlantic World: Slavery and Emancipation LQ2010 Module
The Atlantic World: Slavery and Emancipation LQ2005 Module
The Business Landscape EM4062 Module
The Consultant's Tool Box BNM885 Module
The Consultant's Tool Box BNM885J Module
The developing brain PY3504 Module
The Digital Marketing Environment BMM623 Module
The Effective Doctor (Y3 MBChB Student Selected Component) HL3001 Module
The EU as a Global Actor LPM105 Module
The Foundations of Modern Politics SS0FMP Module
The Future of Law: Introduction to Technology and its Regulation BL1106 Module
The Governance of Global Problems LPM108 Module
The History and Politics of Decolonisation LPM226 Module
The History of Internationalism: From Karl Marx to Greta Thu LQ2011 Module
The International Relations of East Asia LP3125 Module
The Language of the Law LE2117 Module
The Making of the Modern World LP1102 Module
The Management Project BDC311 Module
The Management Project: Project Definition Stage BDC311A Module
The Management Project: Project Delivery Stage BDC311B Module
The Novel through Time LE1120 Module
The Politics and Policies of the European Union LP2110 Module
The Populist Radical Right in Europe LP3122 Module
The Professional Marketer BMC210 Module
The Professional, the Medicine and the Patient PHM719 Module
The Project Management Professional BNC211 Module
The Social Determinants of Health LKM102 Module
The State in the Global Context LPM223 Module
The Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching LEM120 Module
The Translation Industry: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 1 LIM106 Module
The Translation Industry: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives II LIM107 Module
The World Beyond Europe Since 1800 LQ2001 Module
The World of Modern Politics LSS0WP Module
Theories & Practice of Leadership BH3318 Module
Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching LEM119J Module
Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching LEM119 Module
Theory of Electricity ME1TEL Module
Thermal Fluid Science 2 ME3TF2 Module
Thermodynamics and Fluids ME21F1 Module
Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers CE2106MU Module
Time Series AM30TI Module
Tissue Regeneration BI4REG Module
Trading Strategies BS2284 Module
Trading Techniques BSM117 Module
Trading Techniques BFM117J Module
Transfer Processes CE2004MU Module
Translating for International Institutions LIM108 Module
Translation for Business: Arabic & English LIM112 Module
Translation for Business: Chinese and English LIM113 Module
Translation Technology I: CAT Tools and Localisation LIM109 Module
Translation Technology II:Machine Translation, Post-editing LIM110 Module
Translation Work Placement LIM111 Module
Transport and Engineering Economics DT1TEE Module
Transport Foundations SE0TPF Module
Transport Planning for Sustainable Futures LT3TPS Module
Transport Through The Window LT3TTW Module
Tricks of the Mind PY3510 Module
Twin Periods? The Interwar Years and Post­1989 History LQ3003 Module
Understanding Consumer Behaviour for Managers BM2296 Module
Understanding Data AM40UD Module
Understanding Data AM41UD Module
Understanding Foreign Policy LP3126 Module
Understanding Language Impairments PY3109 Module
Understanding People DT2UP1 Module
Understanding Social Divisions A LK1026 Module
Understanding the International system LSSOUS Module
User Experience Design BN1161 Module
Using English in Specific Academic Contexts LA2132 Module
Variation in Language and Change LEM136DL Module
Variation in Language and Change LEM136 Module
Vector Algebra and Geometry AM10GV Module
Vector Calculus AM20VE Module
Vehicle Automation and Connectivity ME4513 Module
Vestibular Assessment and Management NS3VA1 Module
Vestibular Foundations HS3VA1 Module
Vestibular Rehabilitation HT1VR2 Module
Virtual Business Manager BM2236 Module
Virtual Business Simulation BF2236MU Module
Virtual Business Simulation BF2236 Module
Virtual Business Simulation BN2236MU Module
Visual Analytics DS40VA Module
Visual Perception and Illusions PY3024 Module
War and Genocide LQ1008 Module
Warehousing & Transport Operations DS1WTO Module
Water and Wastewater Engineering EC4WWE Module
West European Politics and Society LP2113 Module
What's Trending (Current Affairs in Politics and Internation LP1103 Module
What's Trending: Contemporary Issues in Crime and Society LK1111 Module
Whole brain neuroscience NE2515 Module
Wills, Probate and Private Client BL3361 Module
Working towards Fellowship ED7001 Module
Working with Language Data LE2115 Module
Workplace Skills DS1WS1 Module
Writing and Ideology LE2114 Module
Written Text Analysis LE2116 Module

Lists linked to Aston University

Title Sort by title Year Last updated Sort by last updated
EE2EMD - Electrical Machines and Drives (EE2EMD) 2023-24 Ended 31/07/2024 03/07/2023 09:43:57
EE2EMD - Electrical Machines and Drives (EE2EMD) 2024-25 12/06/2024 08:52:03
training list 2023-24 Ended 31/07/2024 03/07/2023 07:48:27
training list 2024-25 12/06/2024 07:22:44