Name Sort by name
Code Sort by code
Type Sort by type
Literature Culture and Society |
LE2109 |
Module |
Strategy Marketing & Sales |
LBM603 |
Module |
5G Signal Processing |
EE45GS |
Module |
A Great Misunderstanding: Britain and the EU |
LP3100 |
Module |
Abnormal neural networks |
NE3508 |
Module |
Abnormal Neural Networks and Epilepsy |
NE3008 |
Module |
Abnormal Neuronal Networks |
Module |
Abstract Algebra |
AM20AL |
Module |
Academic and Professional Communication |
LA1003 |
Module |
Academic and Professional Skills |
Module |
Academic Effectiveness |
BD003 |
Module |
Academic Effectiveness and Applied Research |
BED301 |
Module |
Academic Vocabulary and Grammar Patterns |
LA2301 |
Module |
Accounting For Non Financial Managers |
BFM234J |
Module |
Acute and Emergency Ophthalmology |
Module |
Addiction and Impulsivity |
PY3505 |
Module |
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay |
LP2076 |
Module |
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay |
LP1084 |
Module |
Additional Politics and International Relations Essay |
LP1083 |
Module |
Adult Audiology: Assessment and Management |
NS2AA1 |
Module |
Adult Rehabilitation |
HT1AR1 |
Module |
Advanced and Applied Synaptic Plasticity |
Module |
Advanced Audiology Investigation & Rehabilitation |
Module |
Advanced Audiology Investigation & Rehabilitation |
HS3AR2 |
Module |
Advanced CAD |
ME4526 |
Module |
Advanced Cataracts |
Module |
Advanced Cell Membranes |
Module |
Advanced Clinical Practice Portfolio&Service Project |
Module |
Advanced Clinical Skills |
HS3AC1 |
Module |
Advanced Corporate Finance |
BS3381 |
Module |
Advanced Criminal Law |
BL3300 |
Module |
Advanced Databases Systems and GIS |
Module |
Advanced Dynamics and Control |
Module |
Advanced EEG |
Module |
Advanced Embedded Systems |
Module |
Advanced Epidemiology |
LKM203 |
Module |
Advanced Grammar and Vocabulary |
LA2300 |
Module |
Advanced IELTS Course |
LA1500 |
Module |
Advanced International Financial Reporting |
BF3302 |
Module |
Advanced Leadership and Management Communication |
LE3112 |
Module |
Advanced Manufacturing and Materials |
Module |
Advanced Manufacturing Processes |
Module |
Advanced Manufacturing Processes |
Module |
Advanced Manufacturing Systems |
Module |
Advanced Marketing Communications |
BM3332 |
Module |
Advanced Medical Leadership |
HL5004 |
Module |
Advanced Molecular Pharmacology |
NE3004 |
Module |
Advanced Molecular Pharmacology |
Module |
Advanced Neuroscience |
Module |
Advanced Operations |
BNC301 |
Module |
Advanced Ophthalmology and Medical Skills |
OP4AO2 |
Module |
Advanced Project and Programme Management |
BNC302 |
Module |
Advanced Reaction Engineering |
Module |
Advanced Research Design and Analysis |
PY4017 |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods in Dental Implantology |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods in Health Psychology |
PYM717 |
Module |
Advanced Research Methods In Health Psychology |
PYM727 |
Module |
Advanced Solid Mechanics and FEA |
Module |
Advanced Spreadsheets & Databases |
BNM819J |
Module |
Advanced Strategy |
BSM901J |
Module |
Advanced Strategy |
BSM990 |
Module |
Advanced strategy |
BMM901J |
Module |
Advanced Strategy |
BSM901 |
Module |
Advanced strategy |
BMM901 |
Module |
Advanced Structural Engineering |
Module |
Advanced Synaptic Plasicity |
NE3002 |
Module |
Advanced synaptic plasticity |
NE3502 |
Module |
Advanced Topics in International Business |
BS3382 |
Module |
Advanced Topics in International Business |
BSM934J |
Module |
Advanced Topics in Sociolinguistics |
LE2118 |
Module |
Advanced Web Development |
Module |
Advances In Crisis Management |
BNM894 |
Module |
Age and Regenerative Medicine |
Module |
Ageing Eye Management |
Module |
Agile Practices in IT and Management |
BN2220 |
Module |
AI: Vision and Reality |
CS4710 |
Module |
Algorithmic and Computational Mathematics |
Module |
America in the World |
LP3102 |
Module |
An Introduction to Crisis Management |
BNM501 |
Module |
Analogue and Power Electonics |
Module |
Analysing Written and Spoken Discourse 1 |
LEM1000 |
Module |
Analysis for Dissertation Research |
BMM646J |
Module |
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects |
BMM6935J |
Module |
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects |
BMM635J |
Module |
Analysis for Marketing Research Projects |
BMM635 |
Module |
Analysis I |
AM1OA1 |
Module |
Analysis II |
AM20A2 |
Module |
Analytical Biochemistry |
BC2001 |
Module |
Application of Transport Models |
Module |
Applied & Industrial Biochemistry |
BC2002 |
Module |
Applied Biomedical Science Training |
Module |
Applied Biotechnology |
Module |
Applied Management Accounting |
BF2224MU |
Module |
Applied Management Accounting |
BF2224 |
Module |
Applied Psychology & Professional Skills |
PY4512 |
Module |
Applied Psychology and Professional Skills |
PY2502 |
Module |
Applied Research |
BMM629J |
Module |
Applied Research |
BEE239 |
Module |
Applied Research |
BNM239J |
Module |
Applied Research |
BMM629 |
Module |
Applied Research Methods |
BEE122 |
Module |
Applied Research methods |
DBK102 |
Module |
Applied Research Project |
BD011 |
Module |
Applied Topics in Economics |
BS1113 |
Module |
Applying English |
LEM135 |
Module |
Apprenticeship Module 1 |
DS1AM1 |
Module |
Approximation Theory |
AM30AP |
Module |
Arabic for Beginners |
LZ1404 |
Module |
Arabic II Improvers |
LZ1405 |
Module |
Arabic III Intermediate |
LZ1406 |
Module |
Archive and Museum Project |
LQ1007 |
Module |
Artificial Neural Networks |
AM40AN |
Module |
Assessment and Performance |
BHM397 |
Module |
Assessment Performance & Reward |
BHM347J |
Module |
Aston Edge |
BPG124 |
Module |
Aston Edge Futures |
BDK405 |
Module |
Aston Edge Project |
BDK407 |
Module |
Aston Edge Reflections and Growth |
BDK406 |
Module |
Atomic Nuclear Physics |
Module |
Audiological Assessment and Management |
NS2AM1 |
Module |
Audiological Procedures and Professional Skills 1 |
HS1PS1 |
Module |
Audit and Professional Ethics |
BF3303 |
Module |
Audit Governance and Company Law |
BF2220MU |
Module |
Auditory Management and Devices |
HS2MD1 |
Module |
Auditory Rehabilitation |
HS2AR1 |
Module |
Auditory Sciences |
HS1AS1 |
Module |
Autonomous System Design |
Module |
Banking and Financial Services Regulation |
BLM175 |
Module |
Basic Neurophysiology |
NE1515 |
Module |
BCIT Project |
BN3355 |
Module |
Becoming a professional doctoral practitioner |
CL4010 |
Module |
Behavioural Economics |
BS3373 |
Module |
Behavioural Economics and Policy |
BSM955 |
Module |
Big Data for Decision Making |
BNK432 |
Module |
Big Data for Decision Making |
BNM832 |
Module |
Biochemistry and Cell Biology for Neuroscience |
NE1516 |
Module |
Biochemistry Key Skills II |
BC2003 |
Module |
Biochemistry, Cell Biology and Genetics for Neuroscience |
NE1009 |
Module |
Biofluid Mechanics |
Module |
Biological & Cognitive Psychology |
PY1503 |
Module |
Biological and Biochemical Science Foundations |
Module |
Biological Chemistry I |
Module |
Biomechanics and Kinematics |
Module |
Biomedical Engineering Project 1 |
BE1BP1 |
Module |
Biomedical Engineering Project 2 |
BE2BP2 |
Module |
Biomedical Engineering Research Project |
BE4RP1 |
Module |
Biomedical Implants and Prosthetics |
Module |
Biomedical Signal Processing |
Module |
Biomolecules |
Module |
Biosciences Placement |
BIOP01 |
Module |
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing |
CE30BB |
Module |
Biotechnology and Bioprocessing |
Module |
Biotechnology and Regenerative Medicine |
Module |
BLO101 |
OES2 |
Module |
Block Chain and FinTech |
BFM172 |
Module |
Brain & Behaviour |
CA4514 |
Module |
Brain and Behaviour |
PY4514 |
Module |
Brain and Behaviour |
PY2504 |
Module |
Brain Disorders and Disease |
NE3501 |
Module |
Brain Disorders and Disease |
NE3001 |
Module |
Brazilian Portuguese for Beginners |
LW1404 |
Module |
British Politics since 1990 |
LP1100 |
Module |
British Society through Film and Television |
LA1506 |
Module |
British Society through Printed Media |
LA1507 |
Module |
Broadband Wireless Networks |
EE4117 |
Module |
Building and Design and Construction Technology |
Module |
Building Information and Digital Construction |
Module |
Bullets, Bombs and Bitcoin: History and Technology Since 1900 |
LQ3004 |
Module |
Business Analytics in Practice |
BNM863J |
Module |
Business Analytics in Practice |
BNK463 |
Module |
Business Analytics Project |
BN3310 |
Module |
Business and Enterprise Skills for Translators |
LIM101 |
Module |
Business Aspects of Computing |
Module |
Business Context in France |
LF1116 |
Module |
Business Context in Spain |
LS1116 |
Module |
Business Ethics |
BL3320 |
Module |
Business Finance |
BFM206J |
Module |
Business Finance |
BFM205J |
Module |
Business for the Biosciences |
BPG140 |
Module |
Business in an International Context |
LU1009 |
Module |
Business Management Simulation |
BS2236A |
Module |
Business Model Generation |
Module |
Business Research Methods |
BN2224 |
Module |
Business Tax |
BF2264MU |
Module |
Business Venturing |
BSM948J |
Module |
Cancer Biology |
Module |
Case Studies in Global History |
LQ2007 |
Module |
Cell and Molecular Biology |
Module |
Cell Biology |
Module |
Cell Membranes |
Module |
Cell Membranes and Energy Generation |
BC2004 |
Module |
Cell Signalling and Physiology |
Module |
Cells to Systems |
Module |
Cellular and Developmental Neuroscience |
NE1010 |
Module |
Cellular Neuroscience |
NE2516 |
Module |
Cellular Pathology |
Module |
Cellular Pathology (CPD) |
BY3CP2 |
Module |
Changing China: People’s Republic in the 21st Century |
LPM057 |
Module |
Changing China: People’s Republic in the 21st Century |
LPM118 |
Module |
Changing Worlds, Changing Workers |
LU2012 |
Module |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
Module |
Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics |
Module |
Chemistry for Engineers |
Module |
Chemistry for Engineers |
Module |
Chemistry with Computers |
CH30CC |
Module |
Child Development |
PY3503 |
Module |
Chinese IBE I |
LX1006 |
Module |
Chinese IBE II |
LX2002 |
Module |
Chinese Language Skills III |
LX3004 |
Module |
Chinese Politics and Society |
LP3105 |
Module |
Civil Engineering Design Project |
Module |
Civil Engineering Project Management |
Module |
Clinical and Food Microbiology |
Module |
Clinical Apprenticeships 1 |
MS3000 |
Module |
Clinical Apprenticeships 2 |
MS4000 |
Module |
Clinical Biochemistry |
Module |
Clinical Genetics and Human Disease |
Module |
Clinical Practice I |
Module |
Clinical Practice II |
Module |
Clinical Psychology of Intellectual Disability |
PY3513 |
Module |
Clinical Sciences |
Module |
Clinical Skills I |
Module |
Clinical Skills II |
Module |
Clinical Trials and Research Design |
Module |
Cloud Computing for Business |
BN2223 |
Module |
Cognition & Cognitive Neuropsychology |
CA4517 |
Module |
Cognition and Cognitive Neuropsychology |
PY4517 |
Module |
Cognition and Cognitive Neuropsychology |
PY2507 |
Module |
Cognition and Style |
LE3100 |
Module |
Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience: Theories and Application |
PY4016 |
Module |
Cognitive Poetics |
LEM131 |
Module |
Commercial Contracts and Practices |
BL2202 |
Module |
Commercial Law |
BL2243 |
Module |
Commercial Management - Advanced Quantification & Costing |
Module |
Communication and Clinical Skills 1 |
HS1CS1 |
Module |
Communication and Clinical Skills 2 |
HS2PS2 |
Module |
Communication and Clinical Skills 2 |
HS2CS2 |
Module |
Communication and Clinical Skills 3 |
HS3CS3 |
Module |
Communication Skills for Business |
LA1503 |
Module |
Communications Systems |
Module |
Comparative Government and Politics |
LP2100 |
Module |
Comparative Regionalism and Regional Cooperation |
LPM221 |
Module |
Competition Policy |
BS3383 |
Module |
Computational Intelligence |
CS4720 |
Module |
Computational Methods in Biomedical Engineering |
Module |
Computational neuroscience |
NE3516 |
Module |
Computational Neuroscience |
Module |
Computational Problem Solving |
Module |
Computer Integrated Manufacturing |
Module |
Computer systems |
Module |
Computer Systems and Networks |
Module |
Computing Foundations |
Module |
Concepts and Strategies for Qualitative Social Science |
LPM113 |
Module |
Concepts and Strategies for Social Data Analysis |
LPM114 |
Module |
Conflict and Intervention |
LP3106 |
Module |
Conflict and Security |
LPM220 |
Module |
Construction Contract Management and Administration 1 |
Module |
Construction Materials and Surveying |
Module |
Construction Procurement and Contracts |
Module |
Construction Project Management Foundations |
Module |
Construction Quantification and Costing |
Module |
Consumer Behaviour |
BMM641J |
Module |
Consumer Research and the Customer Experience |
BM3333 |
Module |
Contemporary Britain: from the Boer War to Brexit |
LQ1003 |
Module |
Contemporary Britain: from the Boer War to Brexit |
LQ1006 |
Module |
Contemporary Issues in Financial Reporting |
BFM253J |
Module |
Contemporary Marketing Principles |
BM1110 |
Module |
Content Marketing |
BM1119 |
Module |
Content Marketing for Digital Media |
BMM663J |
Module |
Content Marketing for Digital Media |
BMM663 |
Module |
Control Systems and Instrumentation |
Module |
Control Technical Support Engineering |
Module |
Corporate Governance Regulation & Compliance |
BLM113J |
Module |
Corpus Linguistics |
LE3133 |
Module |
Corpus Linguistics |
LEM138 |
Module |
Course and Materials Design |
LEM101 |
Module |
Crafting and delivering customer value |
BMM665 |
Module |
Crafting Organisational Strategy |
BSM992 |
Module |
Crafting Strategy |
BPG122C |
Module |
Crafting Strategy |
BPG122JC |
Module |
Creating and Delivering Customer Value |
BPG122A |
Module |
Creating and Delivering Customer Value |
BPG122JA |
Module |
Creating and delivering customer value |
BEE665 |
Module |
Creating and Leading High Performance Teams |
BED201 |
Module |
Creating Effective Teams |
BD002 |
Module |
Crises Technology and Analytics |
BNM892 |
Module |
Crisis Management and Decision Making |
BHM502 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Security Studies |
LPM110 |
Module |
Critical Approaches to Security Studies |
LP2101 |
Module |
Critical Issues in Human Resource Management |
BH3310 |
Module |
Critical Social Psychology |
PY3502 |
Module |
CSI: Crime, Subversion and Injustice |
LK3041 |
Module |
CSR Challenge |
BED700 |
Module |
CSR, Sustainable Development and Public Policy |
BHM944 |
Module |
Current Issues in Global Audit and Assurance |
BFM256 |
Module |
Current Issues in Global Audit and Assurance |
BFM256J |
Module |
Current Issues in Retailing Management |
BM3334 |
Module |
Customer Engagement and Operational Effectiveness |
EM4066 |
Module |
Customer Engagement in an Engineering Enterprise |
EM4049J |
Module |
Cyber Crime, Cyber Law & Privacy |
CS31CC |
Module |
Cyber Security Human and Regulatory Aspects |
BNM763 |
Module |
Dashboards and Spreadsheets |
BN2206 |
Module |
Data Acquisition and Control |
Module |
Data Acquisition and Control |
Module |
Data Encryption, Data Integrity and Authentication |
Module |
Data Mining and Web Analytics |
BNM861J |
Module |
Data Mining and Web Analytics |
BNK461 |
Module |
Data Protection Law |
BL3365 |
Module |
Data Science Programming |
AM41DP |
Module |
Data Science Programming |
AM40DP |
Module |
Data Science Programming |
DS40DP |
Module |
Data Structures and Algorithms |
Module |
Data Structures and Algorithms in Java |
Module |
Database Systems |
CS41DS |
Module |
DataVisualisation |
BN2207 |
Module |
Debates in Contemporary British Politics |
LP3129 |
Module |
Decision Models |
BNM860J |
Module |
Decision Models |
BNK460 |
Module |
Deep Learning |
CS4740 |
Module |
Delivering Secure Software |
CS32SS |
Module |
Delivering Secure Software |
CS3255 |
Module |
Democracy Authoritarianism and Regime Change |
LP3107 |
Module |
Derivatives |
BSM162 |
Module |
Derivatives |
BFM162J |
Module |
Derivatives |
BS3385 |
Module |
Descriptive Analytics |
BNM854J |
Module |
Descriptive Analytics |
BNK454 |
Module |
Design Fundamentals |
Module |
Design Management & Innovation |
Module |
Design Studio |
Module |
Designing and Managing Operations, Systems and Processes |
BPG121A |
Module |
Developing Adult Nursing practice |
Module |
Developing an Innovative and Entrepreneurial Mindset |
BPG121B |
Module |
Developing Business Systems Workshop |
BNM803J |
Module |
Developing Digital Marketing Skills |
BMC108 |
Module |
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquir |
EM4064 |
Module |
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquiry part 2 |
LT2DL2 |
Module |
Developing Leadership & Management Capability through Enquiry part 2 |
LT3DL2 |
Module |
Developing Leadership Ability |
BDC313 |
Module |
Developing Management Capability |
Module |
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3.5YR) |
BDC101B |
Module |
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3.5YR) |
BDC204 |
Module |
Developing Managerial Skill in Context (3YR) |
BDC101 |
Module |
Developing New Products and Services |
Module |
Developmental & Social Psychology |
PY1504 |
Module |
Developmental Psychology |
Module |
Diagnostic Audiology |
HS2DA1 |
Module |
Digital Advertising |
BMM608 |
Module |
Digital Advertising |
BDC109 |
Module |
Digital Analytics and Artificial Intelligence |
BMM612 |
Module |
Digital and Business Transformation |
BNM884 |
Module |
Digital and Social Media Marketing |
BM1112 |
Module |
Digital Approaches to Analysing Texts |
LE3123 |
Module |
Digital Communication and Information Theory |
Module |
Digital Communications |
Module |
Digital Engineering |
Module |
Digital Forensics |
CS32DF |
Module |
Digital Forensics |
Module |
Digital Health |
LKM209 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
BMK445 |
Module |
Digital Marketing |
BMM658J |
Module |
Digital Methods for Social Science and Humanities |
LK2041 |
Module |
Digital Psychology and Buyer Behaviour |
BMM616 |
Module |
Digital Signal Processing |
Module |
Digital Skills Bootcamp |
DSB101 |
Module |
Digital Systems Hardware |
Module |
Digital Systems Hardware |
Module |
Digital Transformation |
BNK482 |
Module |
Digital Transformation |
BNK582 |
Module |
Diplomacy and Soft Power |
LP3127 |
Module |
Dispute Resolution |
BL2209 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LE3103 |
Module |
Dissertation |
HS3DS1 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LEM134 |
Module |
Dissertation |
LE3124 |
Module |
Dissertation (Literature) |
LE3120 |
Module |
Dissertation :Research Methods and Research Proposal |
HT2DS1 |
Module |
Dissertation on Future Vehicle Technologies |
ME4516 |
Module |
Downstream Processing for Biotechnology Products |
Module |
Drug Delivery and Targeting |
PHM204 |
Module |
Drug Discovery |
PHM203 |
Course |
Drug Discovery |
PHM202 |
Module |
Drug Dosage Form Design |
PHM207 |
Module |
Dynamic Content Marketing |
BM2230 |
Module |
e-Business |
Module |
e-Business Strategy |
BNM742 |
Module |
Early Life Stress and Neurodevelopment |
NE3519 |
Module |
Early Life Stress and Neurodevelopment |
Module |
East Asian Politics and Society: China and Japan |
LP2102 |
Module |
Eating Behaviour |
PY3512 |
Module |
Econometrics 1 |
BSM952J |
Module |
Econometrics 1 |
BS2280 |
Module |
Econometrics 1 |
BSM952 |
Module |
Econometrics 2 |
BSM946J |
Module |
Economic and Commercial Determinants of Health |
LKM205 |
Module |
Economic Environment of Business |
BSM940J |
Module |
Economics of Entrepreneurship |
BS3387 |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy |
BNK417 |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy |
BNM817J |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy |
BNK517 |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy |
KPN817 |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy 1 |
BN3360 |
Module |
Effective Management Consultancy 2 |
BN3361 |
Module |
Effective Project Delivery 1 |
BN3362 |
Module |
Effective Project Delivery 2 |
BN3366 |
Module |
Electrical Engineering Fundamentals |
Module |
Electrical Machines Construction and Performance |
Module |
Electrical Power Systems |
Module |
Electrical Principles |
Module |
Electro-Mechancial Principles |
Module |
Electronic Engineering Foundations |
Module |
Electronic Engineering Fundamentals |
Module |
Elites |
LK3042 |
Module |
Emerging Technologies, AI and Law |
BL3359 |
Module |
Emerging Topics in FinTech |
BSM182 |
Module |
Empathy & Human Factors in Transport |
Module |
Employee Relations |
BH3311 |
Module |
Employers Liability |
BL3515 |
Module |
Employment Law |
BL2242 |
Module |
Employment Law |
BHM350J |
Module |
Employment Law for HRM |
BH3312 |
Module |
Energy Supply and Delivery |
ME2042MU |
Module |
Energy Supply and Delivery |
CE2042 |
Module |
Engineering a Sustainable Future |
Module |
Engineering Design and the Environment |
Module |
Engineering Design Applications |
Module |
Engineering materials |
ME2019MU |
Module |
Engineering Materials and Manufacturing |
Module |
Engineering Mathematics |
Module |
Engineering Mathematics 2 |
ME21EM |
Module |
Engineering Practice |
Module |
Engineering Principles 1 |
PD1EP1 |
Module |
Engineering Principles 2 |
PD2EP2 |
Module |
Engineering Programme Management |
EM4063 |
Module |
Engineering Project M |
Module |
Engineering Projects |
Module |
Engineering Projects |
Module |
Engineering Science 1 |
ME1ES1 |
Module |
Engineering Systems And Management |
Module |
Engineering Team Project |
Module |
English for Higher Education Studies |
LA2133 |
Module |
English Language Across Time and Space |
LE1100 |
Module |
English Language Development |
LA2131 |
Module |
English Language Preparation |
LA2130 |
Module |
English Language Skills for Academic Study |
LA0AL1 |
Module |
English Language Skills for Academic Study 2 |
LA0AL2 |
Module |
Enterprise Creation |
BD001 |
Module |
Enterprise Creation and Management |
BED101 |
Module |
Enterprise Resource Planning |
BNM804J |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Marketing and Strategy |
BM3335 |
Module |
Entrepreneurial Strategies |
BSM930J |
Module |
Entrepreneurship & Innovation in Emerging Economies |
BSM980J |
Module |
Environmental Chemistry I |
Module |
Environmental Economics |
BS3388 |
Module |
Environmental Engineering |
Module |
Environmental Regulations & Impact Assessment |
Module |
Epidemiology |
LKM103 |
Module |
Equity and Trusts Law (BL3301) |
BL3301 |
Module |
Essential Laboratory Skills |
Module |
Essential Laboratory Skills |
Module |
Essential Laboratory Skills |
Module |
Essential Laboratory Skills |
Module |
Essential Skills for Engineering and Applied Science |
Module |
Essential Skills: Specialisation |
PH4707 |
Module |
Ethical and Sustainable Marketing |
BM3351 |
Module |
Ethical and Sustainable Marketing. |
BM3340 |
Module |
Ethics and International Relations |
LP3113 |
Module |
Ethics in a Crisis |
BLM101 |
Module |
Ethics in a Crisis |
BL3514 |
Module |
Ethics in Academic Practice |
BPG112J |
Module |
Ethics in Academic Practice |
BPG110J |
Module |
European Union Law |
BL3302 |
Module |
EuroSim: Learning Negotiation through Simulation Games |
LP3114 |
Module |
Events and Public Relations |
BM2231 |
Module |
Events Marketing |
BM2283 |
Module |
Evidence Based Practice |
HT1EB2 |
Module |
Evidencing Managerial Skill |
BDC312C |
Module |
Excellence in Business Project Management |
BNC201 |
Module |
Exploring Enterprise Experience |
BSM982 |
Module |
Families and Wellbeing |
PY3514 |
Module |
Feeding the Brain |
NE3518 |
Module |
Feeding the brain |
Module |
Final Year Project |
EC310AMU |
Module |
Final Year Project |
PY3501 |
Module |
Final Year Project |
Module |
Financial Accounting & Reporting |
BFM236J |
Module |
Financial Analysis |
BFM241J |
Module |
Financial Analysis |
BF3304 |
Module |
Financial Economics |
BS3389 |
Module |
Financial management |
BF227MU |
Module |
Financial Management |
BSC102 |
Module |
Financial Management |
BF2267 |
Module |
Financial Mathematics and Portfolio Theory |
AM30FP |
Module |
Financial Services, Regulation and Crises |
BS2299 |
Module |
Financial Statement Analysis |
BFM177 |
Module |
Fluid and structure |
Module |
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
Module |
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer |
Module |
Forensic Inference and Statistics |
LEM123 |
Module |
Foundation Apprenticeship |
MS5000 |
Module |
Foundation Chemistry 1 |
SE0CE1 |
Module |
Foundation Chemistry II |
SE0CE2 |
Module |
Foundations in Business Systems |
BNM805J |
Module |
Foundations in Qualitative Research |
PGR002 |
Module |
Foundations in Qualitative Research |
LYM014J |
Module |
Foundations of Biomedical Engineering |
Module |
Foundations of Contemporary Psychology |
PY1505 |
Module |
Foundations of Object Oriented Programming |
Module |
Foundations of Technology Solutions |
Module |
Fraud, Bribery and Corruption |
BL3322 |
Module |
French for Beginners |
LF1036 |
Module |
French II Improvers |
LF1037 |
Module |
French III Intermediate |
LF1038 |
Module |
French Language Skills ab initio II |
LF2019 |
Module |
French Language Skills I |
LF1117 |
Module |
French Language Skills III |
LF3105 |
Module |
French Politics and Society |
LF2106 |
Module |
Fundamental Mathematics |
AM10FM |
Module |
Fundamentals in Quantitative Research |
BHM839 |
Module |
Fundamentals of Adult Nursing Practice |
Module |
Fundamentals of Medicine 2 |
MS2000 |
Module |
Further Derivatives |
BS3390 |
Module |
Further Topics in Macroeconomics |
BS3326 |
Module |
Further Topics in Microeconomics |
BS3391 |
Module |
Future Law |
BL3360 |
Module |
Game Theory |
AM30GM |
Module |
Gender and Politics |
LP3115 |
Module |
Geotechnics 1 |
Module |
Geotechnics 2 |
Module |
German for Beginners |
LG1418 |
Module |
German II Improvers |
LG1419 |
Module |
German III – Intermediate |
LG1420 |
Module |
Ghouls, Goths and Vampires |
LE3104 |
Module |
Global Health |
LKM207 |
Module |
Global Health Policy |
LYM015 |
Module |
Global History in Perspective |
LQ1004 |
Module |
Global Marketing |
BM3401 |
Module |
Global Risk & Resilience Management |
BNM895 |
Module |
Global Working |
BH3313 |
Module |
Hacking the Brain |
Module |
Hacking the brain |
NE3514 |
Module |
Hacking the Brain |
NE3014 |
Module |
Haematology & Transfusion Science |
Module |
Haematology and Transfusion Science |
BY3HT2 |
Module |
Health and Patient Psychology |
Module |
Health Assessent - IPL |
Module |
Health Assessment - Practice |
Module |
Health Assessment - Theory |
Module |
Health assessment- clinical application |
Module |
Health Behaviours and Interventions |
PYM724 |
Module |
Health Behaviours and Interventions |
PYM714 |
Module |
Health Inequalities and Public Health |
PYM7250 |
Module |
Health Inequalities and Public Health |
PYM725 |
Module |
Health Inequalities and Public Health |
PYM715 |
Module |
Health Promotion |
LKM104 |
Module |
Health, Safety and Risk Management |
Module |
Healthcare and Professional Practice |
HS1HP1 |
Module |
Healthcare Leadership Focus |
BPG128 |
Module |
Healthcare Study Skills |
HS1HS1 |
Module |
Hearing Therapy |
HT1CC2 |
Module |
High-throughput Synthesis and Peptide Chemistry |
CH3119 |
Module |
History of Emotions |
LQ2006 |
Module |
History Workshop |
LQ3002 |
Module |
HR Analytics |
BHM386 |
Module |
Human Anatomy and Physiology |
Module |
Human Computer Interaction |
DS40HC |
Module |
Human Computer Interaction |
DC1HC1 |
Module |
Human Computer Interaction |
Module |
Human Disease |
Module |
Human Factors in Security |
CS21HF |
Module |
Human Factors in Security |
Module |
Human Resources and Change Management |
EM4050J |
Module |
Human-Computer Interaction |
Module |
Humanitarian Action and Foreign Intervention, 1915 – Today |
LQ2009 |
Module |
Humanitarian Supply Chain Management |
BNM893 |
Module |
Hybrid and Electric Powertrains |
ME4511 |
Module |
Hydraulics |
Module |
Hydraulics & Pneumatics |
Module |
IBE (Global) |
LU2008 |
Module |
Identities and Inequalities |
Module |
IELTS Preparation |
LA1509 |
Module |
Image and Video Processing |
Module |
Immunology |
BC2005 |
Module |
Immunology |
Module |
Immunology |
BY3IM2 |
Module |
Immunology and Immunoassays |
CH3118 |
Module |
Immunology and Inflammation |
Module |
Impact Assessment |
DT2IA1 |
Module |
Implementing Business Decisions |
BN3376 |
Module |
Improving Healthcare |
Module |
Independent Systematic Review |
PY3515 |
Module |
Individual Differences, Health & Personality |
CA4516 |
Module |
Individual Differences, Health & Personality |
PY4516 |
Module |
Individual Differences, Health and Personality |
PY2506 |
Module |
Individual Final year Project |
Module |
Individual Project |
CS312P |
Module |
Industrial Biotechnology |
Module |
Industrial Product Design |
Module |
Information Security |
Module |
Information Security |
BN3377 |
Module |
Infrastructure Engineering and Inter-disciplinary Design |
Module |
Innovation |
BS3392 |
Module |
Innovation & Entrepreneurship |
BD004 |
Module |
Innovation and New Product and Service Development |
BM3336 |
Module |
Innovation and Entrepreneurship |
BED400 |
Module |
Inorganic Chemistry I |
Module |
Inorganic Chemistry II |
Module |
Integrated Case Study |
BF3305 |
Module |
Integrated Communications and Digital Strategy |
BMM606 |
Module |
Integrated marketing |
BMM640J |
Module |
Integrated Person-Centred Care |
PH4706 |
Module |
Integrated Placement Year |
LUP100 |
Module |
Integrated Placement Year |
LKP100 |
Module |
Integrated Placement Year |
LPP100 |
Module |
Integrated Placement Year |
LEP100 |
Module |
Intellectual Property and the Internet |
BL2240 |
Module |
Intellectual Property Strategy & Management |
BLM137J |
Module |
Interaction Design |
Module |
Intercultural Communication |
LE2130 |
Module |
Interest Groups and Lobbying |
LP3116 |
Module |
Interest Groups and Lobbying in the Multilevel Context |
LPM109 |
Module |
Intermediate Digital Design |
Module |
International Business |
BSM694 |
Module |
International Business |
BSM694J |
Module |
International Business |
BSK694J |
Module |
International Business |
BEE673 |
Module |
International Business |
BSM933J |
Module |
International Business and Markets (Mandarin) |
LX2004 |
Module |
International Business Finance |
BFM171 |
Module |
International Commercial Dispute Resolution |
BLM176 |
Module |
International Commercial Law |
BL3369 |
Module |
International Commercial Law and Practice |
BL3319 |
Module |
International Development |
LPM222 |
Module |
International Finance |
BSM296 |
Module |
International Finance |
BFM296 |
Module |
International Finance |
BFM208J |
Module |
International Finance |
BS3393 |
Module |
International Finance |
BFM296J |
Module |
International Financial Management |
BFM299 |
Module |
International Financial Reporting |
BF2269 |
Module |
International Financial Reporting |
BF2269MU |
Module |
International human rights law |
BL3370 |
Module |
International Institutions |
LP3117 |
Module |
International Marketing |
BM3339 |
Module |
International Marketing Management |
BMM693 |
Module |
International Marketing Management |
BMM693J |
Module |
International Marketing Management |
BMM645J |
Module |
International Operations |
Module |
International Operations Strategy |
BNM751 |
Module |
International Operations Strategy |
BNM571 |
Module |
International Political Economy |
LP2105 |
Module |
International Political Economy |
LPM111 |
Module |
International Relations in Political Thought |
LP2107 |
Module |
International Relations Theory |
LPM100 |
Module |
International Relations: Theories |
LP2106 |
Module |
International Taxation and Accounting |
BFM285J |
Module |
International Trade |
BS3317 |
Module |
International Trade Law |
LT3315MU |
Module |
Internet Applications |
Module |
Internet Applications and Database Design |
Module |
Internet Law |
BLM171 |
Module |
Internet Of Things |
Module |
Internet of things |
Module |
Introduction to Accounting and Finance |
Module |
Introduction to Adult Auditory Assessment |
Module |
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence |
Module |
Introduction to Business and Management Research |
KPS101 |
Module |
Introduction to Business and Management Research |
DBK101 |
Module |
Introduction to Business and Organisations |
BDC105B_T1_A |
Module |
Introduction to Business Management. |
Module |
Introduction to Business Organisations |
Module |
Introduction to Chemical & Biochemical Engineering |
Module |
Introduction to Chemical and Biochemical Engineering |
Module |
Introduction to China |
LX1008 |
Module |
Introduction to Civil Engineering |
Module |
Introduction to Clinical Psychology |
PY1506 |
Module |
Introduction to Contract and Property |
BL1103 |
Module |
Introduction to Control/Technical Support Engineering |
Module |
Introduction to Corpus Linguistics |
LE2126 |
Module |
Introduction to Data Analysis |
Module |
Introduction to Distributed Systems |
Module |
Introduction to Engineering and Design |
Module |
Introduction to Finance |
BS1136 |
Course |
Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Pipe Flow |
Module |
Introduction to French Speaking Countries |
LF1114 |
Module |
Introduction to Healthcare and Professional Practice |
HS1IH1 |
Module |
Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology |
Module |
Introduction to Information Systems and Database |
BN1162 |
Module |
Introduction to Intercultural Communication |
LA1502 |
Module |
Introduction to Language and Communication |
LI1013 |
Module |
Introduction to Language Study |
LE1124 |
Module |
Introduction to Latin America |
LS1115 |
Module |
Introduction to Learning and Teaching Practice in Higher Education |
ED6001 |
Module |
Introduction to Linguistics |
LE1102 |
Module |
Introduction to Neuroscience |
NE1517 |
Module |
Introduction to Political Economy: Institutions and Rational |
LP2104 |
Module |
Introduction to Science Industry Process/Plant Engineering |
Module |
Introduction to Sensory Sciences |
NS1SS1 |
Module |
Introduction to Spain |
LS1114 |
Module |
Introduction to the European Union |
LP1101 |
Module |
Introduction to Transfer Process |
Module |
Introduction to Transport |
DT1IT1 |
Module |
Introduction to Transport |
LT1IT1 |
Module |
Introductory Marketing |
Module |
Inventions, Discoveries, and Cures: Science, Technology, and Medicine since 1750 |
LQ1009 |
Module |
Investment Banking |
BFM168J |
Module |
Investment Management |
BFM120J |
Module |
Investment Management |
BSM120 |
Module |
Islamic Finance |
BL3388 |
Module |
IT Project Management |
BNM866 |
Module |
IT Strategy |
BNM897 |
Module |
Judgement and decision-making |
PY3023 |
Module |
Key Skills for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscientists 1 |
PY4021 |
Module |
Key Skills for Cognitive and Affective Neuroscientists 2 |
PY4022 |
Module |
Key skills in Neuroscience 2 |
NE2514 |
Module |
Key Skills in Neurosciences 1 |
NE1514 |
Module |
Key Skills in Psychology 1 |
PY1501 |
Module |
Key Skills in Psychology 2 |
PY1502 |
Module |
Knowledge at Work |
BN3379 |
Module |
Laboratory Compentency Assessment |
Module |
Laboratory practicals 2 |
NE2518 |
Module |
Land Law |
BL2207 |
Module |
Language and Literature in Education |
LE3105 |
Module |
Language and Society in the French-speaking World |
LF1118 |
Module |
Language and Style |
LE2132 |
Module |
Language as Evidence |
LE3116 |
Module |
Language Awareness |
LE2105 |
Module |
Language Contact and Globalisation |
LE3118 |
Module |
Language Contact and Multilingualism |
LEM108 |
Module |
Language in the News Media |
LE2120 |
Module |
Language Learning and Loss: Educational and Clinical Contexts |
PY3509 |
Module |
Language Policy and Language Planning |
LE2108 |
Module |
Law and Business and in the Global Context |
BLM170 |
Module |
Law and the Regulatory Environment |
Module |
Law Economics and Accounting for Marketers |
BM1120 |
Module |
Law in an Applied Context (incorporating work experience) |
BL2200 |
Module |
Law of Banking and Financial Services |
BLM152 |
Module |
Law of Business and Business Concepts |
BL1105 |
Module |
Leaders and Leadership: Case Studies and Comparative Perspectives |
LP3118 |
Module |
Leadership & Change Management |
BHC202 |
Module |
Leadership and Change |
BHM382 |
Module |
Leadership and Decision Making |
BHM395 |
Module |
Leadership and Management |
Module |
Leadership and Management Communication |
LE3111 |
Module |
Leadership, Innovation and Quality |
NS3LQ1 |
Module |
Leading Enterprises |
BPG121J |
Module |
Leading Enterprises |
BPG121 |
Module |
Leading Operational Change |
BNC314 |
Module |
Leading Teams & Projects |
BPG122 |
Module |
Leading Teams & Projects |
BPG122J |
Module |
Learning & Development |
BH3315 |
Module |
Learning & Talent Development |
BHM351J |
Module |
Learning English |
LE3106 |
Module |
Legal Challenges: Starting an Innovative Business |
BLK514 |
Module |
Legal practice management- business law in practice |
BL3377 |
Module |
Legal risk |
BLM151 |
Module |
Legal Risk Management |
BLM174 |
Module |
Legal Risk Management |
BEE174 |
Module |
Legal System and Skills |
BL1101 |
Module |
Liability in Crime and Tort |
BL1102 |
Module |
Life and Academic Study in Britain |
LA1501 |
Module |
Life and Academic Study in Britain |
LA1510 |
Module |
Life Cycle Analysis and Circular Economy |
Module |
Life Cycle Thinking & Assessment |
Module |
Lifespan Development |
PY4515 |
Module |
Lifespan Development |
PY2505 |
Module |
Linear Mathematics |
AM20LI |
Module |
Literature in Film |
LE2127 |
Module |
Literature Research Project |
Module |
Living with Long-Term Health Conditions |
PY3506 |
Module |
LLM in International Commercial Law Business Project |
BDM175 |
Module |
LLM in International Commercial Law Dissertation |
BDM175D |
Module |
Logistics and Transportation |
EM4051J |
Module |
Logistics Management |
DL3LM1 |
Module |
Logistics Management |
DS1LM1 |
Module |
Machine Learning |
Module |
Machine Learning |
AM20LE |
Module |
Machine Learning |
CS4730 |
Module |
Macroeconometrics |
BS3328 |
Module |
Maintenance Management Systems |
Module |
Major Employer Project (SL) |
EM4065 |
Module |
Making Histories I: Methods theories controversies |
LQ1002 |
Module |
Making Histories I: Methods, Theories, Controversies |
LQ1005 |
Module |
Making Histories II: Oral and digital methods |
LQ2002 |
Module |
Making Histories II: Oral and digital methods |
LQ2008 |
Module |
Management Accounting |
BFM224J |
Module |
Management Consulting |
BMM977 |
Module |
Management in Engineering Enterprises |
EM4052J |
Module |
Managing and Interpreting Financial Information Workshop |
BHM363J |
Module |
Managing Data in Transport Projects |
Module |
Managing Engineering Projects |
Module |
Managing Healthcare Operations |
BNM896 |
Module |
Managing IT in a Global Context |
BN3380 |
Module |
Managing People and Team Leading |
Module |
Managing Projects & Performance |
Module |
Managing Responsible Organisations |
BHM377 |
Module |
Managing Responsible Organisations |
BPG121C |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese - Beginners |
LX1404 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Characters I |
LX1009 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Characters II |
LX2005 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese characters III |
LX3006 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese II – Improvers |
LX1405 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese III – Intermediate |
LX1406 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills Ab Initio I |
LX1005 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills Ab Initio II |
LX2001 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills I |
LX1007 |
Module |
Mandarin Chinese Language Skills II |
LX2003 |
Module |
Manufacturing and Materials |
ME1MM1 |
Module |
Manufacturing Processes and Technology |
Module |
Marketing |
BMC313 |
Module |
Marketing |
BMC206C |
Module |
Marketing |
BMC106 |
Module |
Marketing Analytics tool |
BM2233 |
Module |
Marketing Channels & Strategic Sales Force Management |
BMM637J |
Module |
Marketing Communications |
BM1117 |
Module |
Marketing Management |
BMM601J |
Module |
Marketing Principles |
BM1123 |
Module |
Marketing Research |
BMM603J |
Module |
Marketing Strategy |
BM3346 |
Module |
Marketing Strategy |
BMM604J |
Module |
Marriage in Literature: Class, Race, Gender and Money |
LE3107 |
Module |
Mass Transfer |
Module |
Mastering Strategy (SL) |
EM4061 |
Module |
Materials and Manufacturing 2 |
ME2MM2 |
Module |
Mathematical Method |
AM20MS |
Module |
Mathematical Modelling for Engineers |
Module |
Mathematics 1 |
SE0MA1 |
Module |
Mathematics 2 |
SE0MA2 |
Module |
Mathematics for AI |
CS4755 |
Module |
Mathematics for Chemical Engineers |
Module |
Mathematics for Chemical Engineers |
Module |
Mathematics for Chemists |
Module |
Mathematics for Computing Professionals |
Module |
Mathematics for Economics |
BS1111 |
Module |
Mathematics for Engineering Systems and Management |
Module |
Mathematics for Physics and Engineering |
Module |
Mathematics for Transport Planners |
Module |
Maths for Civil Engineering |
Module |
Maths for Health Scientists |
Module |
MBA Project |
BDM151J |
Module |
MBiol Key Skills |
BY4KS2 |
Module |
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance |
BFM253 |
Module |
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance |
BFM255 |
Module |
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance |
BPG122JB |
Module |
Measuring and Enhancing Financial Performance |
BPG122B |
Module |
Measuring the Economy |
BSM956 |
Module |
Mechanical Engineering Associated Studies |
Module |
Mechanical Science 1 |
SE0ME1 |
Module |
Mechanical Science 2 |
SE0ME2 |
Module |
Mechanisms of Pathology |
Module |
Media and Political Communication |
LPM106 |
Module |
Medical Biochemistry |
BY3BC2 |
Module |
Medical Biophysics |
BE2MB1 |
Module |
Medical Imaging |
Module |
Medical Law and Ethics |
BL2241 |
Module |
Medical Management and Leadership |
HL4002 |
Module |
Medical Microbiology |
Module |
Medical Retina |
Module |
Medical Robotics |
BE4RM1 |
Module |
Medical Robotics |
BE4MR1 |
Module |
MEMS Applications and Design |
ME4601 |
Module |
Mental Health Therapeutics |
Module |
Mental Health Therapeutics |
Module |
Metabolic Disease |
Module |
Metabolic Physiology for Biology |
Module |
Metabolism and Physiology for BMS |
Module |
Microbiology and Genetics |
Module |
Microeconometrics |
BS3397 |
Module |
Microeconomics |
BSM953 |
Module |
Migration and Forced Displacement |
LPM224 |
Module |
Mobile Data Networks |
EE4116 |
Module |
Mobile Design and Development |
Module |
Mobile Development |
Module |
Modeling repair and regeneration in the injured central nervous system |
Module |
Modelling |
Module |
Molecular and Applied Microbiology |
Module |
Molecular basis of Pain |
NE3505 |
Module |
Molecular Basis of Pain |
NE3005 |
Module |
Molecular Biology |
BC2006 |
Module |
Molecular Biology & Genetics |
Module |
Molecular Biology and Biotechnology |
Module |
Molecular Cell Biology |
Module |
Molecular Metabolism |
Module |
Molecular Pharmacology |
NE3504 |
Module |
Monitoring and Management of Civil Infrastructure |
Module |
MPH Dissertation |
LKM100 |
Module |
MPH with Leadership Dissertation |
LKM105 |
Module |
MPharm Stage 1 |
PH1419 |
Module |
MPharm Stage 2 |
PH2519 |
Module |
MPharm Stage 3 (Teaching & Learning) |
PH3619 |
Module |
MPharm Stage F (Teaching & Learning) |
PH4719 |
Module |
MPhys Final Year Project |
Module |
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project |
BDM218 |
Module |
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project |
BDM162 |
Module |
MSc Accounting & Finance Business Project (BDM162J) |
BDM162J |
Module |
MSc Accounting & Finance Dissertation |
BDM162D |
Module |
MSc Business & Management Business Project |
BDK408 |
Module |
MSc Business & Management Business Project |
BDM164 |
Module |
MSc Business & Management Business Project |
BDM164J |
Module |
MSc Business & Management Dissertation |
BDM164DJ |
Module |
MSc Business & Management Dissertation |
BDM164D |
Module |
MSc Business Analytics Business Project |
BDM163J |
Module |
MSc Business Analytics Business Project |
BDM163 |
Module |
MSc Business Analytics Dissertation |
BDM163D |
Module |
MSc Business Analytics Dissertation |
BDK404 |
Module |
MSc Business Economics & Finance Business Project |
BDM165J |
Module |
MSc Business Economics & Finance Business Project |
BDM165 |
Module |
MSc Business Economics & Finance Dissertation |
BDM165DJ |
Module |
MSc Business Economics & Finance Dissertation |
BDM165D |
Module |
MSc Business Project |
BDM180 |
Module |
MSc Business Psychology Business Project |
BDM166 |
Module |
MSc Business Psychology Dissertation |
BDM166D |
Module |
MSc Crisis and Disaster Management Business Project |
BDM182 |
Module |
MSc Crisis and Disaster Management Dissertation |
BDM182D |
Module |
MSc Dissertation |
Module |
MSc Dissertation |
EC4020 |
Module |
MSc Dissertation |
BEE141 |
Module |
MSc Entrepreneurship Business Project |
BDM167J |
Module |
MSc Entrepreneurship Business Project |
BDM167 |
Module |
MSc Entrepreneurship Dissertation |
BDM167D |
Module |
MSc Finance Business Project |
BDM168 |
Module |
MSc Finance Business Project |
BDM168J |
Module |
MSc Finance Dissertation |
BDM168D |
Module |
MSc Finance Dissertation |
BDM168DJ |
Module |
MSc Global Operations & Service Management Business Project |
BDM169 |
Module |
MSc Global Operations & Service Management Dissertation |
BDM169D |
Module |
MSc Human Resource Management Business Project |
BDM176J |
Module |
MSc Human Resource Management Business Project |
BDM176 |
Module |
MSc Human Resource Management Dissertation |
BDM176D |
Module |
MSc Human Resource Management Dissertation |
BDM176DJ |
Module |
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Dissert |
BDM170DJ |
Module |
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Project |
BDM170 |
Module |
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Business Project |
BDM170J |
Module |
MSc Information Systems & Business Analysis Dissertation |
BDM170D |
Module |
MSc International Accounting & Finance Business Project |
BDM172J |
Module |
MSc International Accounting & Finance Business Project |
BDM172 |
Module |
MSc International Accounting & Finance Dissertation |
BDM172D |
Module |
MSc International Accounting & Finance Dissertation |
BDM172DJ |
Module |
MSc International Business Business Project |
BDM173 |
Module |
MSc International Business Business Project |
BDM173J |
Module |
MSc International Business Dissertation |
BDM173DJ |
Module |
MSc International Business Dissertation |
BDM173D |
Module |
MSc Investment Analysis Business Project |
BDM174 |
Module |
MSc Investment Analysis Business Project |
BDM174J |
Module |
MSc Investment Analysis Dissertation |
BDM174DJ |
Module |
MSc Investment Analysis Dissertation |
BDM174D |
Module |
MSc Professional Accounting & Finance Dissertation |
BDM183DP |
Module |
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Business Project |
BDM177J |
Module |
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Business Project |
BDM177 |
Module |
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Dissertation |
BDM177D |
Module |
MSc Strategic Marketing Management Dissertation |
BDM177DJ |
Module |
MSc Strategy & International Business Business Project |
BDM178 |
Module |
MSc Strategy & International Business Dissertation |
BDM178D |
Module |
MSc Sustainable Engineering Dissertation |
Module |
MSc Work Psychology & Business Business Project |
BDM181 |
Module |
MSc Work Psychology & Business Dissertation |
BDM181D |
Module |
Multi-Agent Systems |
Module |
Multi-Agent Systems and Strategic Decision Making |
CS4760 |
Module |
Multilingual Specialised Translation |
LIM102 |
Module |
Multimodal Analysis |
LEM133 |
Module |
Multimodal Analysis |
LE3115 |
Module |
Multiphysics System Design |
ME4515 |
Module |
Myth-busting in Psychology |
PY1508 |
Module |
Nationalism and Political Power |
LP3108 |
Module |
Negotiation skills: EuroSim and Model UN |
LPM116 |
Module |
Nerve Conduction & Evoked Potentials |
Module |
Network Science |
AM40NS |
Module |
Neural Engineering |
BE4NE1 |
Module |
Neurodiversity or Neurodevelopmental Disorder? |
PY3511 |
Module |
Neuronal Networks, oscillations and synchrony |
NE3506 |
Module |
Neuronal Oscillations and Synchrony |
NE3006 |
Module |
Neurophysiology Practice |
NS3AE1 |
Module |
Neuroscience in the Real World |
PY4519 |
Module |
Neuroscience in the Real World |
PY2509 |
Module |
Neuroscience in the Real World |
CA4519 |
Module |
Neuroscience Practicals 1 |
NE1008 |
Module |
Neuroscience Practicals 1 |
NE1518 |
Module |
Neuroscience Practicals 2 |
NE2008 |
Module |
Neuroscience Research Laboratory Competencies |
Module |
Neuroscience Research Project |
Module |
Neuroscience Research Project |
Module |
New Engines and Alternative Fuels |
ME4514 |
Module |
North American Politics and Society |
LP2108 |
Module |
Numerical Algorithms and Programming |
AM10NP |
Module |
Numerical Analysis |
AM20N2 |
Module |
Object Oriented Programming |
Module |
Ocular Anatomy & Essential Ophthalmic Investigative Technique |
OP4OE1 |
Module |
OES - Online Education Services |
College |
Operating Systems |
Module |
Operational Effectiveness, Lean and Agile Manufacturing |
EM4053J |
Module |
Operations And Information |
BN3357 |
Module |
Operations Management |
BNM810J |
Module |
Operations Management of Manufacturing for Productivity |
BNM891 |
Module |
Operations Management of Manufacturing for Productivity |
BNM890 |
Module |
Operations Strategy |
BN3349 |
Module |
Ophthalmic and Vision Science |
Module |
Ophthalmic Imaging |
Module |
Optical Communications Systems |
Module |
Optical Communications Systems |
Module |
Optoelectronics |
Module |
Optometry 1 |
OP1421 |
Module |
Optometry Stage 2 |
OP2521 |
Module |
Ordinary Differential Equations |
AM10OD |
Module |
Organic Chemistry I |
Module |
Organic Chemistry II |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BHM373 |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BHM352J |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BHM353J |
Module |
Organisational Behaviour |
BEE373 |
Module |
Organisational Development |
BHM380 |
Module |
Organising for Social Justice |
LK2038 |
Module |
PA2000 Physician Associate Practice 2 |
PA2000 |
Module |
Paediatric Audiology Foundations |
HS3PA1 |
Module |
Paediatric Audiology: Assessment and Management |
NS2PA1 |
Module |
Paediatric EEG |
NS2PE1 |
Module |
Paediatric Eye Care |
Module |
Pathways to Net Zero |
Module |
People and World Organisations |
BHM357J |
Module |
People and World Organisations |
BHM357A |
Module |
People and World Organisations. |
BEE537 |
Module |
Perceiving people |
PY3508 |
Module |
Performance Analytics |
BNK462 |
Module |
Performance Analytics |
BNM862J |
Module |
Personal Leadership Focus |
BPG126 |
Module |
Personal Leadership Focus |
BPG123J |
Module |
Personal Leadership Focus |
BPG123 |
Module |
Perspectives in International Business |
LX3005 |
Module |
Pervasive and Mobile Communication Networks |
EE4118 |
Module |
Module |
Pharmacist Prescribing |
Module |
Pharmacokinetics |
PHM208 |
Module |
Pharmacology and Toxicology |
Module |
Pharmacy Stage 1 |
PH1423 |
Module |
Pharmacy Stage 2 |
PH2523 |
Module |
Pharmacy Stage 3 |
PH3623 |
Module |
Pharmacy Stage 4/F |
PH4723 |
Module |
Philosophy of Research in the Social Sciences |
LPM119 |
Module |
Physical Chemistry for Engineers |
Module |
Physical Chemistry I |
Module |
Physical Chemistry II |
Module |
Physical Principles |
Module |
Physical Principles for EECS |
Module |
Physical Science and Engineering Foundation 1 |
SE0PS1 |
Module |
Physical Science and Engineering Foundation 2 |
SE0PS2 |
Module |
Physics for Health Scientists |
Module |
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Movements |
NE3515 |
Module |
Physiology and Pathophysiology of Movements |
Module |
Pills and Poisons |
NE2009 |
Module |
Placement |
NEP500 |
Module |
Political Communication |
LP3128 |
Module |
Political Parties |
LP3055 |
Module |
Political Theories and Ideologies |
LP2109 |
Module |
Politics and Islam: Past and Present |
LP3120 |
Module |
Politics and Society in Spain and Latin America |
LS2106 |
Module |
Politics and Society of the Middle East |
LP2416 |
Module |
Module |
Portfolio Management and Behavioural Finance |
BS3396 |
Module |
Post-Migration Europe |
LPM115J |
Module |
Postgraduate Research Skills |
Module |
Power Electronics and Electric Drives |
ME4512 |
Module |
Power Electronics for Power Systems. |
Module |
Power Systems Dynamics and Smart Grid Technologies |
Module |
Prescribing in Acute & Emergency Medicine |
Module |
Primary and Community Care |
Module |
Principles of Advanced Practice |
Module |
Principles of Product Analysis and Validation |
PHM205 |
Module |
Principles of Project Management |
BNC110 |
Module |
Private and Venture Capital |
BFM173 |
Module |
Private International Law |
BL3516 |
Module |
Probabilistic Modelling |
AM41PB |
Module |
Probabilistic Modelling |
AM40PB |
Module |
Probability and Statistics |
AM10PS |
Module |
Probability Distributions |
Module |
Process and Product design |
Module |
Process Design |
Module |
Process design |
CE2002MU |
Module |
Process Safety and Sustainability |
Module |
Process Simulation |
CE2105MU |
Module |
Process Simulation and Control |
Module |
Procurement and Cost Management |
Module |
Product Experience |
Module |
Product Introduction Processes |
EM4054J |
Module |
Product, Intellectual Property & Entrepreneurship |
BL3323 |
Module |
Product, Market and Intellectual Property |
PHM201 |
Module |
Product, Market and Intellectual Property |
Module |
Professional and Social Aspects of Computing |
Module |
Professional and Social Aspects of Computing |
Module |
Professional Communication in Healthcare |
Module |
Professional Development |
Module |
Professional Development and Research Impact |
DBK104 |
Module |
Professional Development Audit |
Module |
Professional Development Audit |
Module |
Professional Development for Biochemists |
Module |
Professional Development for Neuroscience |
Module |
Professional Engineering Practice |
Module |
Professional Engineering Practice |
Module |
Professional Engineering Practice |
Module |
Professional Practice |
AM20PR |
Module |
Professional Practice |
Module |
Professional Practice and Reflection 2 |
Module |
Professional Practice and Reflection 2 |
Module |
Professional Preparation for Industry |
Module |
Professional Research and Communication Skills |
Module |
Professional Skills |
Module |
Professional Skills for Engineers |
Module |
Project Elective |
BE3PE1 |
Module |
Project Implementation and Reflection |
KPD201 |
Module |
Project Management |
EM4055J |
Module |
Project Management & Planning |
Module |
Project Planning and Control |
Module |
Project Proposal |
KPD200 |
Module |
Protein Structure and Function |
BC2007 |
Module |
Protein Structure and Function |
Module |
Psychobiology of Illness and Long-Term Conditions |
PYM726 |
Module |
Psychobiology of Illness and Long-Term Conditions |
PYM716 |
Module |
Psychological Interventions |
PY1507 |
Module |
Psychology & Wellbeing |
CA4518 |
Module |
Psychology and Wellbeing |
PY4518 |
Module |
Psychology and Wellbeing |
PY2508 |
Module |
Psychology and Work |
BH2276 |
Module |
Psychology of Language and Communication |
LE2119 |
Module |
Psychosis |
NE3010 |
Module |
Psychotic and Affective Disorders |
PY3507 |
Module |
Public economics |
BS2300 |
Module |
Public Health, inequalities, and disease |
Module |
Public Law and Regulation |
BL2201 |
Module |
Purchasing Principles for Global Supply Chains |
Module |
Pyschoacoustics and Speech |
HS2PS1 |
Module |
Python for Finance |
BFM169 |
Module |
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods |
DBK103 |
Module |
Qualitative Research in the Social Sciences |
LYM100 |
Module |
Quality Engineering |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Finance |
BFM114J |
Module |
Quantitative Methods for Finance |
BFM114A |
Module |
Quantitative Research in the Social Sciences |
BMM669 |
Module |
Quantum computing |
AM30QU |
Module |
Rage, Shame, and Hope: Emotions and Politics from the 19th century |
LQ3005 |
Module |
Rail Transport |
Module |
Reaction Engineering |
Module |
Reaction Engineering |
CE2113MU |
Module |
Reading and Society |
LE2131 |
Module |
Reading and Wellbeing |
LEM137 |
Module |
Reading Poetry |
LE121 |
Module |
Reading the Nineteenth Century |
LEM128DL |
Module |
Reading the Nineteenth Century |
LEM128 |
Module |
Receptors and Ion Channels |
NE2011 |
Module |
Religion, Politics and Development |
LPM225 |
Module |
Renewable Energy & Low Carbon Technologies |
Module |
Research and Design Portfolio |
Module |
Research Competency Assessment |
Module |
Research Design in the Social Sciences. |
LPM218 |
Module |
Research Design Practice and Ethics |
BFM837 |
Module |
Research Design Practice and Ethics |
BFM837J |
Module |
Research Design, Practice and Ethics |
PGR001 |
Module |
Research Design, Practice and Ethics |
BFM838 |
Module |
Research Design, Practice and Ethics |
BNM837 |
Module |
Research Dissertation |
LQ3001 |
Module |
Research Dissertation in Cognitive and Affective Neuroscienc |
PY4023 |
Module |
Research Methods |
BNM845 |
Module |
Research Methods |
BSM960 |
Module |
Research Methods |
Module |
Research Methods |
HS2RM2 |
Module |
Research Methods |
LEM124 |
Module |
Research Methods |
BSM174J |
Module |
Research Methods |
LKM101 |
Module |
Research Methods |
EM4019J |
Module |
Research Methods & Data Analysis |
PY4511 |
Module |
Research Methods and Data Analysis |
PY2501 |
Module |
Research Methods and Professional Practice |
CS4780 |
Module |
Research Methods for Business Students |
BDK409 |
Module |
Research Methods in Business |
BDM131J |
Module |
Research methods in education |
CL4011 |
Module |
Research Methods in HRM and OB |
BHM383 |
Module |
Research Methods Workshop |
BHM387 |
Module |
Research Practicals 1 |
PY4018 |
Module |
Research Practicals 2 |
PY4019 |
Module |
Research Project |
Module |
Research Project |
PHM200 |
Module |
Research Project |
ME4525 |
Module |
Research Project |
AM41PR |
Module |
Research Project |
AM40PR |
Module |
Research Project |
Module |
Research Project |
Module |
Research Project |
Module |
Research Project |
Module |
Research Project A |
Module |
Research Project Design Practice and Ethics |
BNM867 |
Module |
Research Project in Applied Psychology |
CA4521 |
Module |
Research Project in Counselling Psychology |
CA4520 |
Module |
Research Project Preparation |
Module |
Research Skills and Extended Politics and International Rela |
LP3110 |
Module |
Research Skills and International Relations Dissertation |
LP3109 |
Module |
Research Skills and Politics and Economics Dissertation |
LP3111 |
Module |
Research Skills and Politics Dissertation |
LP3112 |
Module |
Research Topics in TESOL |
LEM114 |
Module |
Researching English |
LEM127 |
Module |
Researching English |
LEM127DL |
Module |
Retail Management |
BM3302 |
Module |
Rethinking European Integration |
LPM101 |
Module |
Rewriting Shakespeare |
LE1122 |
Module |
Risk Management |
BF3306 |
Module |
Robot Software |
Module |
Robotics and Autonomous Systems |
CS4790 |
Module |
Rogue States |
LPM107 |
Module |
Science in Audiology |
Module |
Secure Network Services |
Module |
Secure Programming |
CS31SP |
Module |
Security and International Relations |
Module |
Security and International Relations |
Module |
Security Governance, Risk Management and Policy |
CS32SG |
Module |
Security Studies: Theories and Issues |
LP2111 |
Module |
Security Thinking and Fundamentals |
CS11SF |
Module |
Security Thinking and Fundamentals |
Module |
Security Thinking and Fundamentals |
Module |
Senses and Perception |
Module |
Sensory Sciences |
HS1SS1 |
Module |
Separation Processes |
CE2103MU |
Module |
Separation Processes in Chemical and Biochemical Engineering |
Module |
Service Marketing |
BM2201 |
Module |
Services and Events Marketing |
BMC208 |
Module |
Services and Events Marketing |
BMM203 |
Module |
Services Innovation |
BNM752 |
Module |
Services Innovation |
BNM752J |
Module |
Services Operations Management |
BNM833 |
Module |
Signals and Systems |
Module |
Simulation |
BN3352 |
Module |
Simulation For Managerial Decision Making |
BNM802J |
Module |
Simulation Modelling for Transport |
Module |
Social Psychology |
PY4513 |
Module |
Social Psychology |
CA4513 |
Module |
Social Psychology |
PY2503 |
Module |
Social Responsibility in Psychology |
PY1509 |
Module |
Social Science Project |
Module |
Sociolinguistics |
LE2134 |
Module |
Software analysis |
Module |
Software Analytics |
BNM864J |
Module |
Software Analytics |
BNM864 |
Module |
Software Engineering |
Module |
Software for Analytics |
BNK464 |
Module |
Software for Analytics |
BN2212 |
Module |
Software Project Management |
Module |
Solid Mechanics |
Module |
South Asian Politics and Society |
LP2112 |
Module |
Spanish for Beginners |
LS1402 |
Module |
Spanish II Improvers |
LS1403 |
Module |
Spanish III - Intermediate |
LS1404 |
Module |
Specialised Translation Practice: French – English |
LIM103 |
Module |
Specialised Translation Practice: German – English |
LIM104 |
Module |
Specialised Translation Practice: Spanish – English |
LIM105 |
Module |
Specialist Research Skills and Techniques |
AM4101 |
Module |
Spoken Discourse Analysis |
LE3114 |
Module |
Spoken Discourse Analysis |
LE2129 |
Module |
Sport and Politics |
LP3124 |
Module |
Sports Economics and Finance |
BS2294 |
Module |
Sports Marketing |
BM2209 |
Module |
Statistical Machine Learning |
AM40ML |
Module |
Statistics for Economics |
BS1112 |
Module |
Stem Cell Biology and Cellular Differentiation |
Module |
Strategic and International HRM |
BHM354J |
Module |
Strategic Brand Management |
BMM642J |
Module |
Strategic Business Sustainability |
BHM328J |
Module |
Strategic Decision Making |
BM3367 |
Module |
Strategic Finance |
BS2214 |
Module |
Strategic Financial Management |
EM4060 |
Module |
Strategic Financial Management in Construction |
Module |
Strategic HRM |
BH3317 |
Module |
Strategic Human Resource Management |
BHC308 |
Module |
Strategic Human Resource Management in a Global Context |
BHM378 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BSM949J |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BSM949 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BSC314 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BSC107 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BM3354 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BMM929 |
Module |
Strategic Management |
BSC207C |
Module |
Strategic Management (Executive) |
BSM997 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accounting |
BF3307 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accounting |
BFM283J |
Module |
Strategic Management Accounting |
BFK504 |
Module |
Strategic Management Accounting |
BFK503 |
Module |
Strategic Management and Finance |
EM4K56 |
Module |
Strategic Management and Finance |
EM4056J |
Module |
Strategic Management in Healthcare Settings |
BSM994 |
Module |
Strategic Management of Manufacturing |
BSM996 |
Module |
Strategic Marketing: Thinking and Action |
BM3400 |
Module |
Strategic Retail Management |
BMC309 |
Module |
Strategic Sales Leadership |
BM3557 |
Module |
Strategic Sales Management |
BMC310 |
Module |
Strategic Sales Management |
BM3364 |
Module |
Strategic Supply Chain Management |
Module |
Strategy, Change & Leadership |
BHM355J |
Module |
Structural Analysis and Numerical Modelling |
Module |
Study and Research Skills |
Module |
Stylistics |
LE123 |
Module |
Supply Chain Analytics |
Module |
Supply Chain Management |
EM4057J |
Module |
Supply Chain Management |
EM4K57 |
Module |
Supply Chain Planning |
LT3105MU |
Module |
Supply Management |
EM4058J |
Module |
Surfaces, Nanomaterials and Catalysis |
Module |
Sustainability Accounting & Accountability |
BFM223J |
Module |
Sustainability in Engineering Practice |
Module |
Sustainability, Design & Build |
Module |
Sustainability, Design and Build |
Module |
Sustainable and Renewable Technologies |
Module |
Sustainable Energy |
ME450X |
Module |
Sustainable Engineering |
Module |
Sustainable Engineering |
Module |
Sustainable Materials and Design |
Module |
Sustainable Operations Management |
BNM834 |
Module |
Sustainable Operations Management |
BN3378 |
Module |
Sustainable Transport Planning |
Module |
System Administration |
CS32SA |
Module |
System Management, Access & Control |
CS31SM |
Module |
System Management, Access and Control |
Module |
Systems and Logistics Foundations |
Module |
Systems Development |
Module |
Systems Engineering |
Module |
Systems Neuroscience |
NE2012 |
Module |
Systems neuroscience |
NE2517 |
Module |
Tax Policy and Personal Tax |
BF3308 |
Module |
Module |
NE3520 |
Module |
Teaching English to Speakers of other Languages |
LE2112 |
Module |
Teaching History in the 21st Century |
LQ3006 |
Module |
Team Coaching Essentials |
BPG129 |
Module |
Team project |
Module |
Team Project |
Module |
Techniques for Data Analysis (Data Mining) |
Module |
Technology & Innovation |
DS3TI1 |
Module |
Technology & Practice of eCommerce |
BN3358 |
Module |
Technology and Digital Politics |
LP3420 |
Module |
TEST2017 - Test Module(TEST2017) |
2017_TEST17 |
Module |
The American Presidency |
LP3103 |
Module |
The Aston Edge |
BPG120J |
Module |
The Aston Edge |
BPG120 |
Module |
The Aston Global Advantage |
BPG125J |
Module |
The Atlantic World: Slavery and Emancipation |
LQ2010 |
Module |
The Atlantic World: Slavery and Emancipation |
LQ2005 |
Module |
The Business Landscape |
EM4062 |
Module |
The Consultant's Tool Box |
BNM885 |
Module |
The Consultant's Tool Box |
BNM885J |
Module |
The developing brain |
PY3504 |
Module |
The Digital Marketing Environment |
BMM623 |
Module |
The Effective Doctor (Y3 MBChB Student Selected Component) |
HL3001 |
Module |
The EU as a Global Actor |
LPM105 |
Module |
The Foundations of Modern Politics |
Module |
The Future of Law: Introduction to Technology and its Regulation |
BL1106 |
Module |
The Governance of Global Problems |
LPM108 |
Module |
The History and Politics of Decolonisation |
LPM226 |
Module |
The History of Internationalism: From Karl Marx to Greta Thu |
LQ2011 |
Module |
The International Relations of East Asia |
LP3125 |
Module |
The Language of the Law |
LE2117 |
Module |
The Making of the Modern World |
LP1102 |
Module |
The Management Project |
BDC311 |
Module |
The Management Project: Project Definition Stage |
BDC311A |
Module |
The Management Project: Project Delivery Stage |
BDC311B |
Module |
The Novel through Time |
LE1120 |
Module |
The Politics and Policies of the European Union |
LP2110 |
Module |
The Populist Radical Right in Europe |
LP3122 |
Module |
The Professional Marketer |
BMC210 |
Module |
The Professional, the Medicine and the Patient |
PHM719 |
Module |
The Project Management Professional |
BNC211 |
Module |
The Social Determinants of Health |
LKM102 |
Module |
The State in the Global Context |
LPM223 |
Module |
The Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching |
LEM120 |
Module |
The Translation Industry: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives 1 |
LIM106 |
Module |
The Translation Industry: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives II |
LIM107 |
Module |
The World Beyond Europe Since 1800 |
LQ2001 |
Module |
The World of Modern Politics |
Module |
Theories & Practice of Leadership |
BH3318 |
Module |
Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching |
LEM119J |
Module |
Theory and Practice of English Language Teaching |
LEM119 |
Module |
Theory of Electricity |
Module |
Thermal Fluid Science 2 |
ME3TF2 |
Module |
Thermodynamics and Fluids |
ME21F1 |
Module |
Thermodynamics for Chemical Engineers |
CE2106MU |
Module |
Time Series |
AM30TI |
Module |
Tissue Regeneration |
Module |
Trading Strategies |
BS2284 |
Module |
Trading Techniques |
BSM117 |
Module |
Trading Techniques |
BFM117J |
Module |
Transfer Processes |
CE2004MU |
Module |
Translating for International Institutions |
LIM108 |
Module |
Translation for Business: Arabic & English |
LIM112 |
Module |
Translation for Business: Chinese and English |
LIM113 |
Module |
Translation Technology I: CAT Tools and Localisation |
LIM109 |
Module |
Translation Technology II:Machine Translation, Post-editing |
LIM110 |
Module |
Translation Work Placement |
LIM111 |
Module |
Transport and Engineering Economics |
Module |
Transport Foundations |
Module |
Transport Planning for Sustainable Futures |
Module |
Transport Through The Window |
Module |
Tricks of the Mind |
PY3510 |
Module |
Twin Periods? The Interwar Years and PostÂ1989 History |
LQ3003 |
Module |
Understanding Consumer Behaviour for Managers |
BM2296 |
Module |
Understanding Data |
AM40UD |
Module |
Understanding Data |
AM41UD |
Module |
Understanding Foreign Policy |
LP3126 |
Module |
Understanding Language Impairments |
PY3109 |
Module |
Understanding People |
DT2UP1 |
Module |
Understanding Social Divisions A |
LK1026 |
Module |
Understanding the International system |
Module |
User Experience Design |
BN1161 |
Module |
Using English in Specific Academic Contexts |
LA2132 |
Module |
Variation in Language and Change |
LEM136DL |
Module |
Variation in Language and Change |
LEM136 |
Module |
Vector Algebra and Geometry |
AM10GV |
Module |
Vector Calculus |
AM20VE |
Module |
Vehicle Automation and Connectivity |
ME4513 |
Module |
Vestibular Assessment and Management |
NS3VA1 |
Module |
Vestibular Foundations |
HS3VA1 |
Module |
Vestibular Rehabilitation |
HT1VR2 |
Module |
Virtual Business Manager |
BM2236 |
Module |
Virtual Business Simulation |
BF2236MU |
Module |
Virtual Business Simulation |
BF2236 |
Module |
Virtual Business Simulation |
BN2236MU |
Module |
Visual Analytics |
DS40VA |
Module |
Visual Perception and Illusions |
PY3024 |
Module |
War and Genocide |
LQ1008 |
Module |
Warehousing & Transport Operations |
Module |
Water and Wastewater Engineering |
Module |
West European Politics and Society |
LP2113 |
Module |
What's Trending (Current Affairs in Politics and Internation |
LP1103 |
Module |
What's Trending: Contemporary Issues in Crime and Society |
LK1111 |
Module |
Whole brain neuroscience |
NE2515 |
Module |
Wills, Probate and Private Client |
BL3361 |
Module |
Working towards Fellowship |
ED7001 |
Module |
Working with Language Data |
LE2115 |
Module |
Workplace Skills |
DS1WS1 |
Module |
Writing and Ideology |
LE2114 |
Module |
Written Text Analysis |
LE2116 |
Module |